Guilty. Guilty.

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"Ah, shit!" Richard blurted, picking up Marcus. Marcus stopped screaming, trying his best to suppress his heaving breathing, "I was happy with not being hurt every fucking day. I forgot how much this hurts," he whined.

"Don't worry," Richard said, "I'll heal you."

Richard placed the green bubble over Marcus. Marcus closed his eyes.

Darius stood up, dodging the bullets that the light clone shot.

"Hey, at least have some creativity in how you shoot. Always at the head? At the right of my forehead? I swear, you've shot me so many times at that place to the point I can still feel it aching," Darius pointed at his forehead.

A bullet went through Darius' ear and killed him. 

Ziel had a second gun in his pocket. He used it now for a surprise attack. Jane was holding the capsule with the tongue, noticing the number drop a fair amount. He lost 225 lives from that. Now, he's at 2112.

They tried their best to attack him. Jane was supporting Gurro with his water attacks, sometimes switching to Emma's clones. Another benefit to Jane's ability was that anyone who was in the sugar rush mode, had the pain they endure be reduced by a great amount. Getting punched feels like nothing. It would be like a huge gust of wind pushing your head rather than a human punch.

That was good because the pain that Gurro was about to experience was something he never wanted to experience again. Marcus stared at the green bubble above him, he could feel the regeneration in his arm. He heard a blood-curdling scream to the left.

"Interesting," Darius smiled, staring at Gurro fall the ground with a sword impaled in his throat. Gurro dropped to the ground, gurgling the blood in his mouth as he tried to rip the sword off.

"He's going to die! Shit!" Emma cried.

Richard's hands were covered in sweat.

"I never really used my bones to do anything," Darius said, "I turned my arm into a sword, and turned my shoulder blade into an explosive, firing the sword like a projectile."

Darius was bleeding from his shoulder, without his right arm. Gurro fired water from his hands, pushing Darius through the wall.

As Richard was healing him, Marcus thought about a conversation he had with his parents.

Standing at the front door, Marcus was putting on his red shoes. 

His parents were standing there, watching him without him knowing.

"Marcus," his dad called.

Marcus was still putting his shoes on, ignoring him.

"Marcus, honey," his mom said.

Marcus faced them, "What?"

"You're... you're going out there? Where that maniac is?" his mother asked with a concerned face.

"No, who said that?" Marcus said.

"Don't lie, Marcus," his dad frowned.

Marcus looked down at his shoes and their black shoelaces, "Yeah, I am."

"Why do you head into danger when you've suffered so much already?"

Marcus looked for an answer in his mind, "I have to. He killed people. He killed my friend. I didn't even have a proper time with him before he died."

"Marcus, are you happy?" his mother asked.

"Yeah," Marcus uttered.

"Then, why are you never smiling?" she asked.

Marcus paused, confused. He didn't know what she meant. Marcus opened his mouth. "What? I do."

"Not enough. You don't smile enough," she began to tear up, "You used to come home smiling more times than I can count."

"I'm fine, mom. I'll be fine. It's just that... I really wished Carl was here."

Marcus opened his mouth to continue, but he closed it, smiling, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

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