Survival of the coolest

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Ivy was running away from people who looked like her. Golden hair with crystals in them. A bigger man stood between the two.

"Stop!" they yelled, "Let her go!"

Ivy's hair was no different from theirs. She stopped running.


"Father doesn't care! You heard him! If we want to leave, we can, but you won't be given mercy just like normal people. If you can even consider them as normal."

"True, she won't live long, then. Let's stop wasting our energy."

Ivy looked at the person who said that. She was disappointed in what he said. The people walked away. They talked about things that Ivy couldn't hear.

"Thank you, Mason," Ivy hugged Mason.

"If this is what you want, I'll respect it. I hope you survive."

Ivy began to cry, "I hope you survive, too."

They hugged each other tightly. "I've never seen you cry before," Mason commented, "I hope it's the last time I do."

Ivy wiped her tears. They stopped hugging. Mason noticed how much of a mess she was. Her clothes were torn, and she had tears all over her face.

"Before you leave, I want to know why," Mason said.

"I want to leave the old me in the past. I want to be better," Ivy replied, taking a deep breath.

"What does that have to do with—" Mason didn't finish his sentence, and started a new one, "I see now."

"Let's go!" Richard yelled from his car, "I'm getting creeped out."

"Bye, Mason," Ivy waved.

"Bye," Mason waved back.

In the morning, Prince slept in his large bed. Birds were chirping outside and animals were waking up to prepare for another day of what mother nature has for them. He was alone in his bedroom. Crystals hung from the ceiling. They were held by ropes. The door opened. There was a maid, coming over to wake him.

"Wake up, Prince, it's morning." Prince didn't open his eyes, but it's always been like that. He yawned, "I am already awake. That was a good sleep. What time is it?"

"7:45 am, sir," the maid responded. "A perfect 8 hours of sleep," Prince smiled, "I love being consistent." The maid carried Prince to the bathroom. There was a door leading to it in his room. She took his clothes off, and washed him. Using all the expensive products to keep his hair as pretty as possible. He smelled like roses. There wasn't one part of his skin that wasn't scrubbed. The maid led Prince to the kitchen where the chefs had prepared breakfast for him and his siblings. His food was sitting on the table on a golden plate. It was fresh, the food had just been made in time for Prince. His siblings enjoyed their meals. They were talking, but Prince didn't join in the conversation. He sat on a comfy purple chair, and ate his food uninterrupted. Eggs and sausages, with orange juice on the side. Prince enjoyed every bite, everything he ate was delicious. It smelled good and tasted even better. Every morning, he stared at his younger brother's eyelashes which had crystals on them. He imagined having that. The maid led Prince to the bathroom, again. He brushed his teeth with blue toothpaste, and an electric toothbrush.

Next, the maid brought Prince to the butler. The butler and Prince chatted about the dream Prince had. He was the king of the universe, and he lived forever. The butler always liked how Prince never had nightmares. Prince and the butler played video games together, on a wide TV screen. After two hours of playing, Prince went outside to play golf with him.

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