Cure for an itch

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Carl looked at Alain's condition. The redness that spilled out from him was an unpleasant sight. "Carl," Alain groaned. 

"We need to get to the hospital. That dude is dead now! Hurry! The fire is spreading!"

"Is Miguel okay? Is Mason—"

The highway under them broke and fell. The car that Alain fell on was going to crush them. They fell on the sharp and uneven ground filled with concrete and road, bruising and cutting them but that was the least of their worries. Carl used his telekinesis to stop the car from hitting them. It was heavy to carry with his power. Shards of glass rained on them, and cut them both. It ruined his focus and his telekinesis stopped working. The car dropped, but Molly caught it. She placed it beside them. Carl looked up at her, "Are they okay?" 

Berry's body was buried under the rubble. Miguel had a bullet lodged in his head, drifting down a small stream he dropped in. Mason was headless with half of his neck sticking out and his body caught on fire. 

Carl used telekinesis to carry Alain. He saw all the damaged cars, dead people, and destruction around him. He didn't want to see it, or hear, or smell, or feel it.The fire didn't stop its spreading, engulfing everything it could touch. Firefighters, policemen, and the ambulance were arriving in the area. Carl saw a kid trying to pull his mother out of the rubble, crying. Carl and Molly were walking past Darius' legs. Alain's powers stopped working after he died. Carl could see an intestine hanging out from the side. It moved. 

Molly was walking, but she noticed Carl stopped walking. "Carl, why are you not walking?"

Molly found out.

His body was reconstructing itself as if it was reversing the damage that was done to his body and clothes. The legs stood up on their own as organs and skin recreated his body. His white shirt came back, too, clean as ever. Him arms, then his hands, then his neck, then his face and golden hair with his crystal eyes. He smiled. Not faintly. A big wide grin on his face. 

He won. 

Molly didn't understand what was going on, but she instinctively did what she thought  was right while Carl was still trying to process the situation. Molly tried to attack him, but Darius blinked. When his eyelids opened up, two torpedoes were sitting where his eyes were supposed to be. "Easy!" Molly blurted. 

He opened his mouth and there were large missiles in it, side by side in two rows. Carl's eyes popped out of his head in disbelief. The missiles broke the rock that covered her body, and exposed her human body within as they were fired. The torpedoes were launched, killing her instantly. Her arm was sent flying into the sky. Darius walked to Carl. With another blink, his crystal eyes returned. He could only use telekinesis on one object at a time. 

Carl had millions of things to say, but he narrowed it down to one. "Why?"

It wasn't even one of anger. It was one of genuine curiosity. Darius grabbed his head and threw him on the ground. His telekinesis stopped working, making Alain's body fall. 

"Where are the rest of them, Carl?" Darius asked. 

"What are you talking about? How do you know my na—"

Darius stomped on Carl's stomach. Carl howled in pain. 

"Tell me."

It was night at this time. The clouds were gone, and it was the moon's turn in the sky. Carl couldn't feel any warmth. Just the coldness that the night brought to him. 

"Asshole. You know my name. I bet you know more than just that. You're playing with me. I see that fucking grin. You fucking psycho. I never thought I'd see someone actively kill innocent people in a battle like this. You don't care. You think this is a game. You gave us hope, made us believe that we could kill you, but you can revive yourself. I don't know how, but you can. Are you happy? I'm sure you are, you're gonna sleep well tonight. Maybe tomorrow you'll feast on some good food as a reward for eliminating six of us. I hope you fucking rot in hell, I hope someone comes and rips that smirk off your face. Our alliance has strong people, you won't survive. Who cares if you can revive yourself? I hope they pour concrete on your body to suffocate you and drop you in the ocean where you can sink to the deepest trenches and stay there forever. You won't be smiling there, I'm sure of it."

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