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Dylan, with his beautiful red flower with yellow tips was smiling, getting ready for a special day. Roger and Dylan were using Emma's pink phone while she walked off with a beautiful girl one day.

Dylan typed in 'cactus' on Google and went in the images section. "Look," Dylan pointed, "These are cacti in the desert. You can read about them."

Dylan passed Roger the phone. He scrolled through the pictures, "What the heck is this?"

Roger scratched his head. Dylan grumbled, "You're such a baboon, it's a phone."

"What's a phone?" Roger asked.

"It's technology where you can see things on a screen," Dylan answered.

Roger looked at Dylan funny.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"I still have no idea what this is."

"Oh my goodness, just look at them," Dylan rolled his eyes.

"They're so... cool! Can I search something else?" Roger asked.

"Sure, but do not search anything dirty, Emma said no to that," Dylan said as he squinted with his eye.

Roger tried to type in 'Cool caves' but his fingers were too large.

"What are you typing?" Dylan asked.

Roger showed him what he typed in the search bar.

'Cosl avwe'

"WHAT ARE YOU TYPING?!" Dylan blurted.

"My fingers can't type anything," Roger frowned.

"I'll type it for you," Dylan said, holding the phone and deleting the failed search attempt.

"Type cool caves," Roger demanded.

Dylan gave Roger a confused look, "Really?"

"You don't like my cave. Maybe we can find cooler caves," Roger suggested.

"Your cave is great. How about I show you the stars since we can never see them?"

"Stars aren't only in the desert, though."

"But you've never seen them up close."

"People have gotten close to those bright shining dots above us?"

"Yup. I think they use rocket ships to travel the galaxy."

"No way, get to searching! I wanna see!" Roger gleefully smiled.

Dylan blinked, and found himself in a park. He was standing on top of the slide, while younger versions of him stared at him from the ground. One was the volcanic monster. The second one had a rose in their eye socket. The third one had both of their eyes and was the shortest.

Dylan had a face of disapproval, lowering his eye brows and frowning with great disdain, "It's you, huh?" he started, "You make me angry. Why are you here? Sam and Alleha should be here, but it's all your fault."

"But, we're you," one of the Dylans said.

Roger had Dylan sitting on his shoulders as he ran across the street. He was racing with the cars on the road. "Whoa! Faster, faster, faster!" Dylan cackled.

Roger was faster than the cars around him, people watched in disbelief, rubbing their eyes and pinching themselves. A large man who looked like he could lift an elephant with his massive biceps, zipping through the road like a bull with a kid with a flower in his eye, waving his hands in the air, giggling.

The traffic light before them turned red.

"Stop!" Dylan shouted. Roger stopped running, his feet drifted on the road.

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