Chapter 8

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Donghyuck hesitantly brought his heavy feet to meet Mark. Jaemin was enjoying the tanned nervous ass more than ever.

He turned his head few times seeing how smug Jaemin was sticking his tongue out and wave his hand.

"Bitch...." Donghyuck murmured under his breath.

One thing about Jaemin and Donghyuck, they bickered like cats and dogs. One can't win over another.

They'll be taking challenges like it was life threatening.

Mark was still oblivious with Donghyuck coming right at him as he kept his eyes fixated on his book.

The tanned puffed out the longest air he could. He clenched on his fist.

"H-hey, Mark..." He grinned awkwardly.

Mark closes the book he was reading, uncrossing his legs and lift his gaze to Donghyuck whom had his face shines with the sun ray.

"Yes?" The older raised a brow.

"I'd send out the invitations at our school forum page. And we blast it at all senior's number..." Donghyuck waved his phone out.

"Thank you." Mark said nonchalantly.

Donghyuck pinned his lips together, he rubs off his sweaty palm on his pant and continue his proclamation."So, are you going?"

"I'm not sure..." Mark shook his head, slightly shrugging it off.

As Donghyuck was about to say something, a group of girls swarm behind him. He heard his name was called, he shut his eyes and sighs.

Mark could see how frustrated the tanned was as they faced each other. He scoffed.

"Hello." Donghyuck spins around and waved at them.

They were giggling, happily clutching on their letters. "Donghyuck, we have le-"

"Letters! More letters!" The tanned took the letters aggresively and laughing hysterically like he was losing his mind over it.

He cut the girls out by exclaiming it out loud. Jaemin smacks his head from afar.

"S-sorry, Donghyuck. We don't mean to..." The girls pouted, pinching one another over vexed Donghyuck.

Mark stood up, putting his book inside his back before clearing his throat.

"How about you learn to give Lee Donghyuck some privacy. He's talking to someone else." Mark narrowed his eyes at them.

The girls nodded vigorously and leave. Donghyuck gave Mark a tight smile, he wanted to thank the older but seems like he's leaving too.

"Are you coming?!" He shouted making the older halt his step.

"Why should I?" Mark knitted his brow. He doesn't feel like the need to attend such party.

It makes the tanned blinked and froze on the spot. He didn't expect for Mark to respond in such way. It didn't even sound rude or harsh, it was just so frank.

Because I like you...

"Because you're our respective senior as well and... and you're my friend." Donghyuck clears the sudden haze his throat.

Mark raised a brow, kinda content with it. His corner lips curved a sly smile.

Donghyuck could feel the butterflies in his stomach seeing how attractive Mark look with that smile of his.

What he clearly noticed that Mark observed his surrounding to check if anyone was nearby, obviously he can see how Jaemin was staring so straight at their direction.

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