𝐂𝐡.𝟏𝟐 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠

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𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐲𝐚

She came out wearing the clothes i gave her while i did some 'work' on my laptop and she looked cute to say the least. Then I checked her wounds while trying to control myself not to look here and there but her milky skin distracted me in one way or the other.

Fir instance when I was checking the wound on her shoulder by pulling her shirt down. Only I know how much I put my self control in test, if it were my honest self I'd be hovering over her right now sucking those precious twins of mine-hers. From staring at her this long I noticed how her breasts were not small but not big enough for it to not fit in my palms. My palms itch to hold them but no, it's not the time.

Once I was done I took her downstairs to feed her something as there's no way I'm letting her be starved for this long. While walking I noticed how she was admiring the house as if it were the castle straight out a Disney movie, well my parents are rich.

She ate like she has been starved, her mouth stuffed, cheeks coated with the chocolate from the waffles, her favorite and her lean hands holding the spoon with her entire fist. She looked at me when she noticed me staring at her.

"sei carino con le guance imbottite"
(You look cute with your cheeks stuffed)

She looked at me with questioning gaze to which I shook my head indicating her to stop thinking and eat and she obeyed me like an obedient child.

After she was done eating she Said,

"Thank you for letting me stay and thank you fir the food, I think I should leave" my eyes widened at her words but controlled myself from showing the emotions I shouldn't. Not now atleast.

"Abd where will you go to?" I asked, raising my eye brow.

"Umm..hu... i will manage" she stutter.

"You will? Do you have money?" She shook her head 'no'.

"Your relatives live here?"

"You know the city?"

To all these her answers was same, 'no'

Taking a deep breath I said,
"So, how do you think 'you will manage' huh?" She looked down and didn't say anything.

"You don't have to bother, I'll manage myself" played my fingers.

"You will live here until you have some place to go to" I stated.

"No no!!you don't have to pity me and burden yourself" she moved her hands indicating no.

"I didn't ask, I ordered"

"No but..."

"You will pay me back after you get your job and find a place to live and don't tag yourself as burned because you are nothing of that sort and no, I'm not pitying you"
She nodded.

"Thank you" she mumbled. Soon she Saud something I was waiting for her to say,

"By the way won't you ask me anything?" she hesitantly said.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Rather than asking questions about her life and past, I thought I would make her feel that she should not tell me anything if she's not ready.

Though I wished I was as patient as I was showing right now. I wish that. It was clearly wrong of me to get her information as soon as I saw her but I couldn't control the urge to just know everything about her, what she's gone through, what she did all these years, where was she, everything. But I couldn't control my urges, not after seeing her condition yesterday. And though I could easily get her information all these years, I was simply too busy in my thirst to find her also that she seemed to have vanished in thin air. I had all resources but none at the same time. The driver who worked for her also disappeared. I had no clue of her whereabouts.

But now that I finally found her, I had to know everything about her.

Coming back to the conversation, she looked at me with guilt and said,

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I left.. left without telling any of you anything" she looked down and continued,

"That day was just too cruel and dark, I couldn't figure out what to do. So I did what I was told"

My eyes darkened "what were you told" I asked now that she finally spoke of her past.

"I was told to return home because my parents were getting a divorce, my father called me and I had no choice but to leave" she clenched her fists as she said that.

"I couldn't come back because I was home-schooled after that as my father thought that was the best option" she didn't look up.

"Then why didn't you contact me...or anyone else?" Even though I know the answers to all this yet I asked just to know how much she trusts me to share this.

She finally looked up, her eyes filled with emotions I couldn't recognize, " i tried....I tried a lot trust me.." She breathe heavily as she continues, "can we talk about this some other time?"

I hummed as I noticed her uneasiness. I was about to get up but then realized something.

"You are done with your food right?" She nodded, I then got her medicine. At first she denied but I assured her it's not bitter but the moment she made a puking face I knew I was hella wrong about that statement.

"Okay I apologize for that now come with me"

"where?" She asked.

"To get you your essentials" I dragged her out of the house to my car and opened the door for her to settle in.

The car ride soon came to an end.

I helped her get out of the car, and took her inside the mall. First we went to the apple store to get her a new phone.

"Why are we here?" Looking around she wondered.

"To steal" I murmur.


"To get you a new phone of course"

"But it's too expensive, I can't afford to pay you back"

"You don't have to pay me back for this, it's gift from me" I assured and even after that she didn't seem convinced.

"Okay now come on tell me which colour you want? Oh wait purple suits you, we'll get that only. Okay?" She nodded and looked around and I saw her looking in the iPad section.

Standing at the billing counter, she looked everywhere like a child who has never seen anything like this. While she fascinates herself I bought an iPad as well as a MacBook for her.

We were done paying and installing all the necessities on her phone which is my number, office number, etc. Etc.

Now we were on our way to the clothing shops. I told her she could go for a walk around to see what she likes. And even though she stared at almost everything she didn't pick any.

"Why aren't you picking any? Do you not like them?"

"No, it's not that...I-I can't figure out what I want, everything is soo beautiful. Lets go from here, i am too confused"

She said and this time she dragged me out of the store, I followed her smiling like a freak. We went to another two-three shops and she did the same -not figuring out what she wants- but one thing different was she held my hand all along without even realizing.

I was staring at her all along and seeing that she was too restless about this stupid thing, I texted Avyan to buy every piece of clothes, accessories, shoes of her size present in all those shops. Also I know her size because I stalk-- uhmm uhm.

She again pulled me to another shop but this time she was super excited and eager to have them, I couldn't help but see what she's so happy about.

It.was.a.lingerie. we.are.in.a.lingerie.shop. And I hadn't noticed up until now.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒Where stories live. Discover now