Chapter 59

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" Now what will you do ? " anushka asked curiously

But she gets no response from suadamini , who was sitting at the same position .

Anushka tried all tricks to make her clam but maybe the scene was hard to accept . A Bitter Reality .

She rubbed her forehead while cursing Jasmine internally . It's get noted in her dairy that one day she will make her feel the same helpless .

" mini , listen to me carefully . It was nothing but just a myth . At the end he is yours , by hook or by crook . " anushka sweared .

Suadamini stare at her and hugged her tightly, letting tears drop . Where anushka was patting her hair while stating her positive things .

Where someone was the evidence of the whole scenario .

" Mr.Devi is everything ready ? It's time for dinner " khasvi asked

" yes mam , you can give a check " mr Devi exclaimed professionally .

" that's no need . Just serve the food " khasvi declared .

And left the kitchen . On the way to living area she meet Jasmine and Reyansh .

" ansh "

" Ji "

" pandit Ji has left . Grandma has already decided the date "

" it's okay , I have already let her know . And she did share with me . That's fine "

" oh , then that's good . I was tense you will accept or not "

" it's nothing serious "

" well it's time to eat . Please now don't get lost in work "

" no I will join ."

" let's go and sit with them "

And three of them enter the room . This time , reyansh sit with kartik and Rohan . Where Jasmine with Maria and anveet .

But it was lucky stage for arjun as he has sit with priya . He was feeling as his entire world brighten with many alluring fireworks . His happiness was written all over his face clearly .

" it's getting late "anveet murmured to Maria

" I heard reyansh has asked everyone to stay today " Maria exclaimed

" I didn't know " surprised

" Rohan told me . " Maria shrugged

" what are you both whispering " Jasmine asked curiously

" time " Maria state

" no reyansh was telling me to stay today . He told me everyone is staying . " she shared

" for what reason ? " anveet asked

" I didn't asked " Jasmine gave a awkward grin

Maria slap her forehead hearing her .

" reyansh " naman called

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