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| BOYNEXTDOOR's First Birthday |

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| BOYNEXTDOOR's First Birthday |

{ NOTE: every time I put "—" after a line it indicates a time skip or a scene change. Just wanted to clear that up, happy reading! }


The halls of the KOZ Entertainment building buzzed with excitement as the members of BOYNEXTDOOR & their close friend Y/N gathered to celebrate a special occasion, the group's first anniversary.

It had been a whirlwind year filled with countless performances, late night practices, & tight schedules. Through it all, the bond between the six members & Y/N had only grown stronger.

As they arrived at the designated room, Y/N greeted them with a warm embrace, her eyes shining with pride & affection. In her arms, she carried many gifts for the boys. It was the least she could do for the boys she considered family.

"Happy anniversary you guys!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "I can't believe it's been a year already."

Everyone exchanged hugs, their smiles wide as they took in the moment. Amidst the celebration, a wave of emotion swept over the room as Jaehyun stepped forward & enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace. As they held each other tightly, Jaehyun's shoulders began to shake, & quiet sobs escaped his lips. Tears of joy & gratitude streamed down his face,

"Thank you for being here with us Y/N," he said, his voice cracked with emotion. "We couldn't have made it this far without your support."

One by one, the other members joined in, creating a warm cocoon as they all cried together. Y/N held everyone close, her own eyes shimmering with love & understanding.

As the embrace broke, Y/N wiped Jaehyun's tears with her thumbs,

"Alright, let's not kill the mood, we're here to celebrate!" She exclaimed.

Y/N pointed to a large table adorned with pictures of the boys' faces, cute selfies & group photos. In the middle, sat a carefully decorated cake that looked like a home. It had the BOYNEXTDOOR logo, & two bright yellow doors made of icing.

"I brought this for you guys," she said, gesturing towards the cake

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"I brought this for you guys," she said, gesturing towards the cake.

The boys erupted into sounds of praise & laughter, their eyes scanning the decorations in appreciation.

They took many photos capturing the moment.


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After a long day of idol related schedules for their anniversary, night had fallen. Y/N treated the boys to hotpot at the end of the day.

The group & Y/N were now at a korean hotpot restaurant, in a private booth. The group was eating & talking about their achievements & favorite memories.

As the chatter & laughter subsided, Jaehyun spoke up, his expression turning serious,

"In all honesty though," he began, "we wouldn't be here without the love & support of everyone around us, especially Onedoor. You have all been with us through everything," he spoke, his words meant not just for Y/N but for the entirety of their group, & their beloved Onedoor, the fans who had stood by them through thick and thin.

"You believed in us when we doubted ourselves. You lifted us up when we stumbled. You are the reason we found the strength to keep chasing our dreams," he continued, as he teared up again.

One by one, the other members were overcome by the powerful moment. They exchanged nods, their gratitude for their dedicated fanbase evident in their expressions.

Riwoo chimed in, his voice filled with sincerity,

"They've been with us every step of the way, cheering us on & believing in us even when we doubted ourselves," he said. "We owe them everything."

Sungho placed a hand on Riwoo's shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"And let's not forget our CEO, Zico-nim," Sungho said,

"He took a chance on us, & we'll forever be grateful for his guidance & support." Taesan added.

They also spoke of their mentor Zico, a figure who had nurtured their dreams & guided them through the paths of their debut under KOZ.

"To future achievements & successes. & to abeoji & Onedoor." Jaehyun proposed,

As the tears flowed freely, mingling with laughter & embraces, the line between idols & fans blurred, leaving only the unbreakable bonds of love, respect, & support that had carried them through their first year together.

A chorus of agreement filled the room as the members raised their drinks, clinking their cups together, celebrating the past & toasting to the future.

As the celebration continued, laughter & shared moments filled the air, along with the occasional burst of a song or discussion of a memory. Y/N watched them with a heart full of pride & joy, her love for these boys shining through her smile.


This is just the beginning.
Happy anniversary to our boys ᡣ𐭩

Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoyed

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Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoyed.
꒰ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ꒱ っ♡

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