Chapter 4: Rockstar AU

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(This story contains a little Jam and Jaiden, but it is mainly focused on Gabellie)

Ellie was a 22-year old living in New York, she was currently playing in a band with her fellow band members. She earned money from playing with her bandmates in different locations. Ellie was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette, until one of her band members came to her and said, ''Hey El, are you ready for tonight?''. ''Hey Jake, I still have some pre-show anxiousness, but I think I will make it'', Ellie said. ''Don't want the bassist to chicken out before the show'', Jake said jokingly. ''Oh, ha-ha'', Ellie jokingly said. Ellie stood up from the bench and walked with Jake.

They walked over to the house of James the lead singer. ''Hey my man James'', Jake said and they did their usual handshake. Inside Tess and Aiden were sitting on James' couch. ''I finally got the chicken to go inside with us'', Jake said jokingly. ''Did you guys make out or something'', James asked jokingly. ''Ew, no, Jake is such a gay for this one guy he met a day ago'', Ellie said angrily. ''No I am not gay for that one guy'', Jake said trying to convince the band members that he is not in love with some guy he saw on the street. ''Enough joking around we need to practice remember, we have a show tonight'', Tess said to break up the petty fight. ''I agree with Tess'', Aiden said.

They went over to their assigned instruments: James towards the microphone, Tess towards the drums, Jake and Aiden towards their electric guitars and Ellie towards her bass guitar. They practiced for hours, it did indeed sound good. After a while they decided to have a break from playing. Ellie and Tess were both going to the fridge to get some drinks. ''Are you nervous Ellie?'', Tess asked. ''Only a bit, I've always been anxious about things but it will be ok'', Ellie replied. ''I'm glad to hear that'', Tess said happily. They both grabbed some drinks and returned to the living room. ''No beers?'', James asked. ''You need to stay sober for this show James'', Tess said. ''Okay then'', James said sadly.

After a while it was finally night time, the band went over to the selective bar where they are performing. They were backstage to prepare to go on stage. ''Okay everyone ready?!?!'', James shouted. ''James we aren't on until the other band is finished'', Aiden said to calm James down. '' Aww, are you worried about me babe?'', James asked. ''Only a bit, but you need to calm down'', Aiden said while blushing. ''Okay, baby'', James said. After a while the band before them finished and walked to the backstage. ''Are you ready Ellie'', Tess asked. ''Hell yeah'', Ellie said excitingly.

The band walked up to the stage and everyone walked over to their instruments and they started playing. Ellie spotted a girl in the crowd, she had a red sweater and a red bow in her brown hair. It almost looked like Ellie was dreaming. That one brunette girl looked so beautiful and Ellie admired her while she was performing. Ellie was good at performing she looked so stunning while playing the bass guitar. Her fingers strumming every note correctly, it felt so good for Ellie it felt like she didn't had to worry about anything, it felt like heaven.

After a while they finally finished their show, Ellie was feeling so exhausted after the show. Tess came up to her and said happily, ''We finally did it!!''. ''Yeah'', Ellie said. ''Are you doing okay Ellie?'', Tess asked. ''I'm fine a little bit tired'', Ellie said. While Tess and Ellie were talking the boys went to go party in the bar. ''I'm going to have a drink, see you later'', Tess said. Ellie sat backstage thinking about that girl and thought to herself, ''Who was that girl, she was so beautiful''. But Ellie shrugged it off, because maybe that girl wasn't all into girls at all.

Ellie went up to the bar after her rest and asked for a drink. She just wanted to forget it all, because maybe this admiring for this girl would lead to disappointment. Ellie has been drinking a lot until someone came to her. ''Hey, I liked your performance'', a voice of a girl behind Ellie. Ellie turned around to see that brunette girl with the red sweater behind her. ''Oh thanks'', Ellie said. ''Can I sit here?'', the brunette girl asked. ''Of course, it is technically not my bar so you can sit anywhere you want'', Ellie said. ''Oh I haven't introduced me yet, my name's Gabby what's yours?'', Gabby asked. ''My name is Ellie, nice to meet you Gabby'', Ellie said.

They both stared at each other for a long time and it grew quite uncomfortable for both of them. ''You shouldn't drink that much'', Gabby said. ''I know, but it's kind of relieving this'', Ellie said to relieve Gabby. ''Let me order you a water so you don't get a hangover tomorrow'', Gabby said. ''No that would be too much, you just know me for at least a minute'', Ellie said. Gabby still ordered a water for Ellie, Ellie couldn't complain so she drank the water. ''I'm going outside to get some fresh air, you can come if you want'', Ellie said. ''I was actually kind of nauseous from being inside of here for too long, so I would love to come with you'', Gabby said excitingly.

They both went outside to get some fresh air. ''So what made you come to New York Gabby?'', Ellie asked while lighting a cigarette. ''How did you--, actually I went to start a business here'', Gabby said confusingly. ''Oh I'm sorry it was a bit logical that you weren't from here because of your accent'', Ellie said. ''Accent--, yeah, I'm actually original from Poland'', Gabby said while she was kind of blushing. ''Shit, I just remembered my car had broken down this morning and I can't go back to get a ride home'', Ellie said sadly. ''You could come to my house it isn't far away'', Gabby said. ''Okay'', Ellie said happily.

They both walked to Gabby's apartment. It was kind of a mess but Ellie didn't care the only thing she could think about was, ''I'm in a hot girls house, what couldn't be more better for me''. ''Let me make you some tea'', Gabby said as she went to her kitchen to make some tea. After a while Gabby came back with two cups of hot tea and gave one cup to Ellie. ''Thank you for letting me stay here'', Ellie said. ''No problem'', Gabby said. They both stared into each other's eyes as they leaned closer to each other. Both of their lips connected to each other and it gave a warm feeling of comfort. They kissed each other so passionately, Ellie's thumb was circling on Gabby's cheek and Gabby wrapped her arms around Ellie's neck to get deeper into the kiss.

After a while Ellie finally woke up from the warm feeling the kiss gave her and broke the kiss. ''Oh shit, I'm sorry I got carried away'', Ellie said while blushing out of embarrassment. ''It's okay, I kind of liked it'', Gabby said while also blushing. They were still in the position they were in when they were kissing. ''Were you planning to let me sleep on the couch or we can both get into your bed?'', Ellie asked. ''Only if you want to, my bed is big enough for both of us'', Gabby said. ''Let's go then, I'm still tired from today'', Ellie said tiredly. ''Okay'', Gabby said excitingly.

They both went over to Gabby's bedroom to sleep or do other unexplainable things.

Art I used for inspiration (credits doctorblight again, because I love their art)

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Art I used for inspiration (credits doctorblight again, because I love their art)



I actually kind of created the story line of this story in my sleep :P

And requests are still open, you could comment your requests and I can look to get some inspiration :D

And the most special thing now the honourable mention:

And the most special thing now the honourable mention:

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Gabellie one-shots, cuz Gabellie is holyWhere stories live. Discover now