Chapter 14: Apocalypse AU

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In a normal looking world there lived a hard working and quite introverted ginger girl called Ellie. But what if this pretty normal world went into an apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse. The zombie virus named 'ZV-??' was originated in a science lab. Where experiments were conducted, as a result of a failed experiment the creation of the virus. At first everything seemed normal, but it went later to shit. The virus grew rapidly after a few people got infected with it. But in a town in New York everything was quite calm until late at night.

It was late at night where Ellie took a nap to rest from her hard day of work. Her dad hadn't come home when Ellie arrived at their home, but it didn't really matter to Ellie. Ellie was used to being alone at home without her dad. During Ellie's nap there were sometimes loud noises coming from outside, but Ellie shrugged it off as normal stuff that was happening outside. Suddenly there was a loud noise of a door slamming inside the house. It was probably Ellie's father who came inside, it was him indeed, but he looked afraid and terrified. ''Hey dad'', Ellie said as her father rushed inside of her room. ''We need to go now!'', Ellie's father said while looking more terrified than ever. ''What's going on dad?'', Ellie said, she was now a bit scared . ''Everything has gone to shit!'', ''That's why we need to go now!'', Ellie's father said.

As soon as Ellie's father had said that he grabbed Ellie's arm. He dragged her and ran outside. The street wasn't the normally calm street, there were now many fires and people running around while screaming. But the worst of all were the people that looked inhuman. They were very fast and could easily outrun people on the streets. Ellie was feeling so scared about everything that is happening, but she had to act if everything was fine. So her dad wouldn't have to worry about Ellie. ''Ellie, come on! There is an alley, where we should go towards!'', Ellie's father said. ''Okay dad'', Ellie said with a scared tone.

Both Ellie and her father ran into this dark alley way. Suddenly behind them they could hear noises, a zombie who was trying to attack the two. The zombie was now rapidly approaching Ellie and her father. They were both not fast enough to outrun the zombie. Suddenly Ellie's father stopped running and held the zombie back. Ellie looked at her father with pure shock in her eyes. Ellie saw how her father was trying to protect her from the zombie. Ellie's hearth dropped, it almost felt like she was on a rollercoaster, but it was no ordinary rollercoaster. ''Go my sweet pumpkin'', Ellie's father said weakly. ''B-But dad'', Ellie said with tears in her eyes. ''J-Just go, live my sweet pumpkin'', Ellie's father said with a weak smile. In a shock of adrenaline Ellie ran as fast as she could. She looked back for the last time to see her dying father. She closed a gate that was in the alley, so no zombies could get to her. Ellie had no time to break down now, her father wanted for Ellie to live. So she pushed away the fear and sadness to focus on running to a safe place.

Ellie ran until she couldn't hear her fathers dying noises anymore. She ran and she ran, for hours at least. Until she ran straight into a person that was standing on the streets looking very confused. Ellie wanted for nobody to die such a gruesome way as her father, so she grabbed the persons arm and dragged them with her. After a while they approached an house. Ellie quickly went inside still holding on the arm of the person. They went upstairs where they found an attic, where they could hide inside of. Ellie could finally take a minute to take a breath after everything that happened. During this break Ellie looked at the person in front of her and said, ''Are you okay?''. ''Yeah, I-I think so'', ''Thanks for saving me'', the person said.

After the person had said that Ellie began having flashbacks of her father and how she couldn't save him. These flashbacks triggered a breakdown and Ellie began crying heavily. The person immediately was shocked about the sudden crying. The person thought for a second and then went over to Ellie and embraced her. ''Let's lighten up the mood a bit, I'm Gabby'', ''What's your name'', the person said. Ellie was still sobbing a bit, but the embrace of the woman calmed her down a bit. ''I'm E-Ellie'', Ellie said. ''That's a really pretty name'', Gabby said. ''T-Thank you'', Ellie said. After some lovely conversations Ellie finally calmed down. ''It's late, we should probably take a rest now'', Ellie said. ''Yeah, It's best for you to get some rest'', Gabby said as she laid down on the hard wooden floor. Ellie also laid down and closed her eyes.

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