Chapter 12: The proposal (pt 1 of 3)

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(requested by Origami_Tobiichi456)

It's been a while since season 1 of disventure camp. It's been at least 5 years since Ellie and Gabby first started dating. After All-stars their relationship grew a lot, even though they had fights sometimes but they managed to learn from those mistakes to grow a stronger bond between the two. They managed to settle in a house that both of them bought. Gabby now works in a animal shelter as helper and Ellie finished collage a year after all-stars so she was looking for a job. Gabby had thought a lot about evolving their relationship, but she didn't have the courage to talk about it with Ellie. Because she might not want to evolve their relationship.

It was morning Gabby woke up seeing her beautiful girlfriend laying next to her. It was quite cold in the room, because Ellie had fixed the AC a while ago. Gabby stood up to open the curtains and a flash of light filled the bedroom. ''Good morning sweetie!'', Gabby said as her energetic self. Ellie woke up and sat up rubbing her eyes and said, ''Good morning sweetheart'', ''Why did you wake me up?''. ''I just wanted to wake you up, because I'm going to work in an hour'', ''So I wanted to spend some time with you!'', Gabby said. ''Okay'', Ellie chuckled. ''I don't know what you are going to do, but I am going to shower now'', Gabby said. ''You go shower, I will make us some breakfast'', Ellie said as she gave Gabby a peck on her cheek.

Ellie stood up and made her and Gabby's bed up, putting the stuffed animals that they have been collecting for years in a line on the bed. At the end of the line there was the stuffed animal that helped their relationship a lot during all-stars, Mr. Whiskers. After Ellie had made up the bed she went over to the living room to then go towards the kitchen. While Gabby was showering Ellie made breakfast, Ellie decided to make some pancakes for both of them for breakfast. After a while Gabby came inside the living room dressed for her work, while Ellie was still in her pyjama's. ''Oh my god, pancakes!!'', ''My favourite!'', Gabby said excitingly. ''I made them for my favourite person in the whole world'', Ellie said as she was trying to flirt with Gabby. ''Aww, thanks babe!!'', Gabby said happily as she grabbed a plate with pancakes. Ellie also grabbed a plate and they both started eating.

After they both finished their food Gabby picked up both of the plates and had put them inside the dishwasher. After that Gabby packed her bag and said, ''Bye babe see you soon!''. ''You forgot something'', Ellie said as she stood up and walked over to Gabby to stand in front of her. ''Oh!'', Gabby exclaimed and gave Ellie a peck on the lips. ''Also that, but you forgot your phone'', Ellie said as she pointed towards Gabby's phone that laid on the table. ''Oh shoot, thanks babe'', Gabby said as she rushed over to grab her phone. ''Hey Ellie, can we go to the park after my work is done?'', Gabby asked. ''Sure!'', Ellie said happily. ''Bye, need to go now!!'', Gabby said. ''Bye, see you later!!'', Ellie said as Gabby opened the door and left their house. Ellie was now alone, it was very quiet now that the energetic Gabby was away.

Ellie went over to the couch and sat down and watched some movies, while Gabby went to work. Gabby took the car that was parked outside of their house, Ellie had bought that car for Gabby to go to work. How sweet is that. Gabby started the car and drove the car over to the animal shelter where she worked at. Gabby walked over to the entrance and went inside to see the many animals they held there. Then Gabby got approached by her co-worker. ''Good to see you Gabby'', ''Can you help me with cleaning?'', Gabby's co-worker said. ''Sure!'', Gabby said happily as she helped her co-worker with cleaning. After a while of taking care of animals, cleaning cages and helping costumers Gabby finally had her first lunchbreak.

Gabby went over to the mini office where workers could have their lunch. Gabby thought to herself, ''I think I need some help with Ellie, maybe Tom can help''. Gabby grabbed her phone and called Tom. After a minute Tom finally had picked up the phone. ''Hello Gabs'', Tom said. ''Hey, I need your help for something'', Gabby said. ''With what?'', Tom said. ''I think I want to propose to Ellie, but I don't have the courage to do so'', Gabby said. ''Wow that's-, I think you should just do it'', Tom said to encourage Gabby. ''But what is Ellie says no?'', Gabby said in a sad tone. ''Ellie would never say no to her girlfriend'', Tom said. ''You're right, I should just do it thanks Tom'', Gabby said. ''I would help you always, Gabs'', Tom said. ''Aww thanks, but I need to go now, bye!!'', Gabby said happily. ''Goodbye and good luck Gabs'', Tom said as they hung up. Gabby now felt more encouraged to propose to Ellie.

After a while of work Gabby finally was finished with her 6 hour shift and decided to go home to see Ellie. After a long drive Gabby finally approached Ellie and her house. She went inside to see Ellie suddenly spark up. ''Gabs your finally back'', Ellie said as she embraced Gabby. ''Did you miss me?'', Gabby asked as she gave Ellie a kiss on her cheek. ''Of course, it is so quiet here without you'', Ellie said. ''I missed you too'', Gabby said. ''Are we still going to the park today?'', Ellie asked. ''Of course, but let's have dinner first'', Gabby said as she walked over to the kitchen to start cooking. While cooking Ellie would sometimes come over and embrace Gabby while she was cooking. ''I need to focus on cooking babe'', Gabby said as she was stirring the food. ''But I just want to hug you Gabs'', Ellie said as she laid her head on Gabby's shoulder. ''Okay just for once'', Gabby said as she kissed Ellie's head.

After half an hour Gabby finally finished cooking and they both ate. It was a vegan dinner, because Gabby was a vegetarian and Ellie chose to also eat vegan food to please her girlfriend. After a while they both finished their food and changed to go to the park to have a walk. They both walked out of their house and on to the street. They passed by a lot of houses where they where walking. After a while they reached a communal park and walked there. Outside the sun was still up, but it went down as they walked. This caused that the surroundings were beautiful when they were walking. After a while of walking they both sat down on a bench. Gabby thought to herself, ''Now is the perfect time, just do it''. ''Ellie can I say something to you?'', Gabby said. ''Sure, what do you want to talk about?'', Ellie said with a smile on her face.

''Ever since we met I felt so loved and I loved you too as much'', ''The days we spent together was the best, even though we had some fights'', ''I realised how much I actually love you, so I want to ask'', ''Ellie, will you marry me?'', Gabby said as she kneeled on one knee holding out a beautiful ring for her lover. ''Of course!!'', ''I love you so much Gabs!!'', Ellie said as she embraced Gabby and cried out tears of happiness. Gabby also embraced Ellie as they kissed each other on the lips. Gabby broke the kiss and said, ''We should make it official''. Gabby grabbed the ring and put it on Ellie's ring finger. ''You shouldn't have done this, this is too much'', Ellie said as she was still crying happy tears. ''It's for you so it's special'', Gabby said as she started to cry happy tears too.

After the crying session they both decided to go home and rest. It was already getting dark when they were almost home. They soon entered their home. ''Today was a crazy day'', Ellie said. ''I know'', Gabby said as she looked in to her lovers eyes. ''Let's go sleep Gabs, all these different emotions made me feel tired as fuck'', Ellie said as she grabbed Gabby's hand and dragged her over to their bedroom. They both laid down on the bed. ''I just realised I can't call you my girlfriend anymore'', Gabby said. ''I'm now your fiancé'', Ellie said as she embraced Gabby. ''I love you, Ellie'', Gabby said. ''I love you too, Gabby'', Ellie said as they both cuddled and drifted to sleep.



I decided to make this a trilogy, you can expect for the rest of the trilogy to come out this week or next week, :D

In the meantime you could request things here or on the request page.

I'm excited to see episode 13 come out this saturday!!

honourable mention:

(foto credits: GabellieCEO, Eden)

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(foto credits: GabellieCEO, Eden)

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