Chapter 16: Post arguments (bit angst, mostly fluff)

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(requested by Outoftheordinaryy)

Having arguments and fights are a part of life. Ellie and Gabby did have arguments sometimes, but it always ends up on good terms.

It was afternoon where it happened. The two were talking about stuff when Gabby mentioned how Ellie only thinks about money. ''It's always about money Ellie! Do you even care about me more than money?'', Gabby shouted as tears began coming out of her eyes. ''What-, Gabs no of course I care more about you than money'', Ellie said. Ellie was really confused as to why Gabby suddenly mentioned Ellie and money. ''Why don't you ever show me that I'm more important than money!'', Gabby said. Gabby normally wasn't this aggressive towards Ellie, but this day proved different. ''Gabby I-,..'', Ellie went silent. ''I'm going to our room, please leave me alone'', Gabby said, her voice was now calmer than before. Gabby walked away into their bedroom to blow off some steam.

Gabby slammed the door as she went inside the bedroom. And it all fell crashing down, the newly built up emotions fell down. Gabby broke down, she really did regret yelling to Ellie. Gabby grabbed a pillow and held it against her as if she was cuddling with Ellie. Gabby was scared that as a result of this fight Ellie might break up with Gabby. Gabby only had one hope now, Tom. Gabby grabbed her phone and called Tom immediately. ''Hey Gabs, what's up?'', Tom said. ''You need to help me with something!'', Gabby said while she was still sobbing. ''Gabs are you okay? With what do you need help from me?'', Tom said genuinely sympathetic. ''I just had a fight with Ellie and I regret everything I did. I'm scared she will break up with me'', Gabby said. ''Don't worry Gabs, Ellie wouldn't break up with you over a fight. Just leave her alone for a minute and then try to talk with her, okay?'', Tom said. ''Okay'', Gabby said as she was sniffing a bit.

After Gabby ran of to the bedroom Ellie just stood there not knowing what to do. When Ellie finally came back to her senses she felt tears coming down her cheek. Ellie didn't know what to do, she just stood there for a few minutes until she decided to call Tess. ''Hey Tess'', Ellie said in a sad tone. ''Ellie, what is going on?'', Tess said. ''Gabby is upset at me, I don't know what to do'', Ellie said. ''You guys had a fight?'', Tess asked. ''Yeah, Gabby got mad at me because I 'care more about money more than her', which isn't even true'', Ellie said. ''Ah, just try to talk to Gabby maybe she will understand'', Tess said. ''Okay, thank you'', Ellie said. ''It's my pleasure'', Tess said. In the background of the call Ellie could hear Tess say, ''Finally I can enjoy hanging out with friends''.

After the two ended their calls Gabby decided to leave Ellie alone for now. Ellie decided to wait a minute before talking to Gabby. After a few minutes Ellie took a deep breath in and knocked on the bedroom door. ''Gabs, I want to talk with you. Can you please let me in?'', Ellie said. When Gabby heard Ellie's voice she instantly felt scared about what was to come. After a minute the door opened in front of Ellie. ''Hey I'm so-'', Ellie couldn't finish her sentence. When Ellie was walking in Gabby immediately embraced Ellie. ''Ellie I'm so sorry, please don't break up with me!'', Gabby said as tears rolled down her cheeks. ''Gabs, I-I would never break up with you'', Ellie said as she patted Gabby's back. ''Why? I yelled at you and made you feel like you didn't do enough'', Gabby said as she sniffed. ''Gabby I need you in my life because without you it would suck like a lot, I love you too much so that's why I won't break up with you'', ''I just came in here to say I'm so sorry'', Ellie said. Gabby didn't know what to think, feel and do in this moment. ''I'm sorry that I made you feel less important Gabby'', Ellie said as she hugged Gabby. ''I'm sorry that I yelled at you'', Gabby said. ''It's okay'', Ellie said as she cupped Gabby's cheeks and kissed her.

''All these different emotions made me feel tired'', Gabby said. ''Understandable, It's better we get some rest'', Ellie said. Gabby laid down on the bed while Ellie was still sitting up. ''Babe aren't you going to bed now?'', Gabby said. ''Yeah'', Ellie said as she also laid down. The two looked deeply in each other's eyes. ''I love you Gabs'', Ellie said as she kissed Gabby's forehead. ''I love you too sweetie'', Gabby said as she kissed Ellie while they were hugging. Ellie grinned and then kissed Gabby back. Ellie gave kisses all around Gabby's face making her blush a bit. ''Stop~, You're tickling me now with your kisses'', Gabby said. ''You want me to stop~?'', Ellie said as she hugged Gabby. ''One kiss then and then we sleep, okay?'', Gabby said. ''Okay'', Ellie said as she pressed her lips against Gabby's. Gabby's hands brushed Ellie's back while Ellie's arms were around Gabby's neck. They didn't realise that they were making out and it was going on for so long that it was now 10 minutes later then when they were planning to sleep. Gabby broke the kiss and looked at the time. ''Shit, we were making out for so long that it's now 10 minutes later'', Gabby said as she looked at Ellie. ''Fuck, it was nice though~'', Ellie said as she grinned at Gabby. ''Okay, now we are going to sleep!'', Gabby said. ''What you want princess~'', Ellie said as she hugged Gabby tightly and drifted to sleep. Gabby also hugged Ellie back and drifted to sleep.



Sorry if the story is much shorter than the rest.

I'm now busy writing the requests I have gotten, so expect much more stories coming up :D

Who else wanted the mini-series to be Gabellie, because I really don't care much about Jam. But I'm glad there will be cameos of Gabellie o(≧口≦)o

honourable mention:

(foto credits: somerandomtvgirlstan)

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(foto credits: somerandomtvgirlstan)

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