Chapter 10: Comforting beach walks (angst/fluff)

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(TW: Panic attacks)

It was late at night where a exhausted Ellie was working a night shift. Sometimes her different jobs let her work until very late at night and it wasn't really fun for Ellie. Ellie always felt bad when she had to leave Gabby all alone at home, because she was working late. Today Ellie had to do a night shift at the restaurant where she works as a waitress, staying there until 12. All the costumers had already left, but Ellie had to stay there and finish all of the dishes and close up the restaurant.

Gabby was at home while Ellie was working the night shift today. Gabby had always tried to wait for Ellie to come home. But she was already feeling tired. An hour ago Gabby already finished her dinner and left some left-overs for Ellie in the fridge. And after dinner on her own Gabby sat down on the couch and watched a television series on the television that was currently airing. After a while Gabby began feeling tired, but she resisted it because she wanted to see Ellie when she comes home. After an hour Gabby couldn't resist the tiredness anymore, so she decided to go to sleep. She went to the bedroom and picked up her pyjama's and had put them on. She went to lay down on the bed and she looked beside her to see the empty side where Ellie was supposed to be. And Gabby drifted to sleep.

Ellie was finishing up the last dishes and was ready to close the restaurant. Ellie was feeling so exhausted and overworked after she finished the last dishes. Ellie grabbed her keys and walked out of the restaurant and closed it up. Inside the restaurant it was pitch black, not like usually where there were many bright lights on. The electrical bills must be so expensive for Ellie's boss. Ellie walked outside on the street where it wasn't busy like the rest of the day, many people don't go outside that late besides Ellie. Ellie walked to the apartment building where Ellie and Gabby's apartment was. A few lights were still on in the building, but many were turned off. Ellie walked inside of the building and took the elevator to the second floor. She arrived on the second floor a few seconds later and walked towards the apartment. Ellie opened the door slowly, so if Gabby was asleep she wouldn't wake up. But suddenly Ellie felt her heartbeat increasing, making her breath really heavy and fast. Ellie felt tears weld up in her eyes, she was so exhausted from everything and overworked. Ellie broke down and while she was crying she sat down with her knees against her chest trying to breath.

In the bedroom Gabby was sleeping peacefully until she heard heavy breathing from inside the apartment. Gabby stood up to investigate the heavy breathing and walked towards where the sounds came from. Gabby walked towards the halls where the sounds were coming from while yawning and rubbing her eyes. In the halls Gabby saw her lover all curled up and sobbing in the corner of the hall. Gabby immediately ran towards Ellie and said worriedly, ''Sweetie, are you alright?''. Ellie was trying to say something, but she was currently crying and hyperventilating. ''Sweetie, try to take a deep breath in and out'', Gabby said as she helped Ellie breathing while doing it with her. This isn't the first time that Gabby helped Ellie breathing through panic attacks. After a minute of breathing in and out Ellie finally calmed her breathing a bit. Ellie was finally well enough to speak with Gabby. ''I had a busy day at work and I just got so exhausted and overworked, so I kind of broke'', Ellie said as she had tears in her eyes. ''It's going to be okay, I'm here for you'', Gabby said as she comforted Ellie. Gabby stood up and grabbed Ellie's hand and took her towards the living room and let her sit down on the couch for a moment. ''I'm going to make you some food, you haven't ate anything yet'', Gabby said as she walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen Gabby grabbed the left-overs from the fridge and put them into the microwave to reheat the food. After 3 minutes Gabby came back into the living room and gave Ellie the food. ''Here you go sweetie'', Gabby said. ''Thank you my love'', Ellie said as she began eating the food. ''Would you like to go on a late night walk?'', Gabby asked. Ellie stopped eating for a moment and said, ''I would love to, Gabs''. ''I'm going to change then, you can finish your food in the meanwhile'', Gabby said. ''Okay!'', Ellie said happily as Gabby walked towards their bedroom to change her clothing. In the meantime Ellie finished her food and had put her plate into the dishwasher. After a minute Gabby came out of the bedroom in an entirely new outfit. ''Are you finished babe?'', ''Then we can go'', Gabby said. ''I'm finished, so let's go!'', Ellie said happily. They both walked out of their apartment to go outside.

Once they were outside of the apartment building they began walking towards the beach. After a while they finally arrived at the beach. ''Thank you for bringing me here, Gabs'', Ellie said. ''No problem babe, it was purely to comfort and calm you'', Gabby said as they both began walking beside the shore. Every second there was a wave coming near the two while they were walking. But they always managed to dodge the waves. It was like a game for the two. Suddenly Gabby went to stand in the water. ''Gabs, why did you go in there?'', Ellie asked as she approached Gabby. Once Ellie was near Gabby, Gabby surprised attacked Ellie by throwing water onto her. ''Surprise attack!!'', Gabby shouted. Ellie was a bit mad and said, ''Oh you, I'm going to get you back!''. Ellie went over to Gabby and also threw water on her. They were now both soaking wet from the water. ''I'm glad you're feeling better'', Gabby said as she went over to Ellie and placed her arms around Ellie's neck. Ellie placed her arms around Gabby's waist and they had put there foreheads together and then kissed each other. ''I love you, Gabs'', Ellie said. ''I love you too, Ellie, but I'm getting cold'', ''Let's go home before we catch a cold'', Gabby said.

Ellie and Gabby both walked to the apartment building and took the elevator together to the second floor. They both walked into their apartment and Gabby plopped down on the bed. ''I'm already feeling so tired'', Ellie said as she sat down next to Gabby. ''Let's go to bed then'', Gabby said as she got under the bed sheets. ''Yeah'', Ellie said as she joined Gabby. They cuddled and both drifted to sleep.



Yesterday I went to HDCC as Aiden and I met a lot of cool cosplayers there :D

Requests are still open, with this newly found motivation I can make many stories and with extra inspiration I can make many new stories :D

honourable mention:

(foto credits: #1Aidenfan, Oreosversion)

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(foto credits: #1Aidenfan, Oreosversion)

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