Chapter 13: Yes, I take you as my wife (pt 2 of 3)

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(requested by Origami_Tobiichi456)

Today was the special day, it has been almost a month since Gabby proposed to Ellie and today was their wedding. Gabby had been waiting for days for this moment and Ellie was also excited for this day. It was very fortunate how they first met, this relationship began on a simple reality show and this grew until this important day.

Gabby was waiting for Ellie to get up, because they had to go to the place they chose to hold this wedding. Gabby was nervous for this day, not only because of marrying Ellie but also because she had to see her parents. Gabby did not have a good relationship with her father, because he always acted distant towards his family. After a while Gabby heard some yawns coming from Ellie. ''Gabs, huh- why are you already up?'', Ellie said while rubbing her eyes. ''I was waiting for you to get up silly'', Gabby said as she gave Ellie a peck on the lips. ''Are you ready, Ellie?'', Gabby said as she smiled at Ellie. ''I'm so excited'', Ellie said as the two walked out of their house. After a while they finally arrived at the place where they were holding the wedding. It was set on a beautiful hill with the sky behind them.

A few people had already showed up, but not everyone. A man approached the couple, he was average height and red headed. ''Dad, you came!'', Ellie said as she embraced the man. ''Of course pumpkin, I could never miss your special day'', Ellie's father said. Gabby had seen Ellie's father many times and grew a good father and daughter relationship even before Gabby and Ellie were engaged. ''Hello'', Gabby said awkwardly. ''Congratulations for the both of you!'', Ellie's father said as he hugged the couple. Ellie looked at Gabby and noticed an anxious vibe coming from her. ''Babe, are you alright? You seem nervous'', Ellie said as she was worried about Gabby. ''I'm okay, but it's just that I'm nervous to see my father'', Gabby said. ''It's okay Gabs, if something goes wrong, I'm here remember that'', Ellie said as she laid her hands on Gabby's shoulder. ''We need to get ready now, see you later'', Ellie said as she gave Gabby a kiss on the cheek.

Ellie walked towards the tent where she had to get ready for her wedding with her father. Suddenly a man came running inside the tent. ''I hope that I'm not late'', a blue haired man said while laughing. ''You're a bit late, but it's alright Jake'', Ellie said as a woman applied some moisturizer to Ellie's face. ''Did you make that dress? It looks beautiful'', Jake said looking shocked at Ellie. ''I designed it, also Gabby's dress'', Ellie said happily. Ellie has a habit of designing clothing for Gabby and sometimes for herself. Ever since Ellie had gotten a lifetime of a job designing clothing she could design everything. ''Where is Tom?'', Ellie asked. ''Oh, he is with Gabby and also helping her'', Jake said. ''That's great, because Gabby was nervous about meeting her family again so if something goes wrong and I'm not there Tom could help'', Ellie said relieved that Gabby is going to be okay.

When Ellie went to her tent Gabby went to her tent. It was a bit empty there were only some people that are going to help Gabby with getting ready. Her family wasn't here yet, because they had to take a plane to go to New York where Gabby and Ellie were holding the wedding. A tall black haired man entered the tent. ''Tom you're here!'', Gabby shouted and quickly ran over to Tom to give him a big hug. ''Hey Gabs'', Tom said as he embraced Gabby. ''Are you ready for your big day!'', Tom said happily. ''Yeah!!'', Gabby said jumping up and down. After a while Gabby finally sat down and got ready to marry Ellie, with help from the workers there. Suddenly a family came into Gabby's tent. ''Gabby, we are finally here'', a woman said. ''It's good to see you mom'', Gabby said as she hugged her mother. Gabby's sister and little brother also came to her wedding. ''I've missed you sis'', Gabby said as she embraced her sister. ''Me and Isaac have missed you too'', Gabby's sister said. While Gabby was talking with her sister, mother and little brother her father stood out not saying a word to his own daughter. ''Freya will you take your brother towards the seats?'', Gabby's mother said. ''Okay'', Gabby's sister said as she took Isaac and walked out of the tent.

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