Chapter 9: Royalty AU

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(contains a little Jam, but mainly Gabellie)

In a far away kingdom there lived a princess called Ellie. She was the heir to the throne after her father, but she had to wait until the perfect prince arrives, who she could marry to inherit the throne, but that time hasn't arrived yet.

Ellie woke up slowly to see the light underneath the curtains. She rubbed her eyes and pushed the bed sheets off her. She stood up from the bed to walk over to the curtains to open them. The instant hit of light came upon Ellie as she opened them. Outside of the windows there were a lot of pretty flowers and plants from the family garden. The family garden was located near Ellie's bedroom. Ellie opened the windows and an hit of fresh air hit her face. She sat down on the window frame and enjoyed the view outside.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice said, ''Princess, are you already awake?''. It was the maid checking up on Ellie like normal. ''Yes I am'', Ellie shouted. ''That's great, your father wants to see you'', the maid said. ''Okay I'll be ready in a minute, I need to get dressed first'', Ellie said. ''Alright, take your time'', the maid said. Ellie got off the window frame to go to her closet. She picked up a nice turquoise dress and after a minute she had put on the dress. She was now ready to go to her father.

Ellie opened the door to the view of the most beautiful halls decorated with fancy girandoles and massive golden pillars. Ellie walked past huge portraits of her family. Each portrait pictures a different person that were rulers of this kingdom once. At the end was a portrait of the current king: Ellie's father, and beside that an old portrait of Ellie's mother who had passed away a few years ago. At the end of the halls there were two giant doors plated with gold. Ellie opened the doors to see the huge throne room filled with gold and silver decorations. ''My daughter there you are!'', a deep voice said. Ellie walked further inside to see her father sitting in his throne. ''You wanted to see me father?'', Ellie asked. ''Yes, I wanted to see you because I have found another suitor for you'', Ellie's father said. ''Oh great..'', Ellie said in a sad but also sarcastic tone. ''Aren't you happy Ellie?'', Ellie's father asked. ''No father, it's just that none of the suitors were good for me'', Ellie said to reason with the king. ''Maybe you are a bit picky, but maybe is this one the best suitor for you'', Ellie's father said.

''Maybe.., in another universe'', Ellie said angrily. ''Don't use that tone young lady!'', ''You need to be at your best behaviour for this to work'', Ellie's father said. ''Okay father, I will be at my best behaviour'', Ellie said. ''Now that is settled, the suitor will be in a couple of hours'', Ellie's father said. Ellie had tears in her eyes, but pushed them away. ''Okay father, I will be in my room if you need me'', Ellie said as she walked back to the giant doors to the pretty halls until she was outside her room. Ellie stomped towards her door and opened it and slammed it when she entered the room.

She was furious at her father for doing this to her. ''Fuck why can't father just listen to me for once'', Ellie shouted as she bumped into her desk letting something fall in the progress making a loud noise. The maid had heard the loud commotion and went over to the room to check on Ellie. ''Princess are you okay in there?'', the maid asked. ''I'm alright'', Ellie said in a shaky tone as she broke into tears. The maid heard Ellie's sobs and went inside the room to see Ellie kneeling down on the ground breaking down. The maid went over to Ellie and made sure Ellie was alright. ''Let's calm you down for a bit, remember to breath darling'', the maid said. After a few breathing exercises Ellie finally calmed a bit down. ''What's the problem you seem to be having?'', the maid said very caringly. ''My father found me another suitor, but I want to marry someone automatically not someone that my father chose'', ''Like how normal humans find love and then marry the person they love'', Ellie said with tears in her eyes. ''I understand you, I've also had many set-ups, but after finding a man I really liked myself I finally learnt to love, that man is now my husband'', the maid said.

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