Chapter 21: Covention ( Part 5 )

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Amora and her two critters ran out of the theater to look for Amity, and when they found her, they saw that Amity was sulking in a dark corner next to the bathrooms.

Amora: ( silently, with an apologetic look: ) Amity...

Amora then slowly walked to Amity while Knight and Acorn stayed where they were behind her.

Amora: ( to Amity: ) I'm so sorry.

Amity: Ugh, seriously? Just leave me alone.

Amora: I didn't mean to embarrass you...

Amity: That's all you ever do! First at school, and now this!

Amora: I-

Amity: ( stands ) ( to Amora, with a glare: ) You made me look like a fool in front of the Emperor's Coven. My future! You think it's easy to be a witch. I have been working my whole life to get to the top! You lost! You cheated! You're not a witch! Say it!

Acorn and Knight glared at Amity, but their expressions then softened when they saw the calm and understanding look on Amora's face.

Amora: I'm not a witch. But...

Amora kneeled down, and pulled out her sketchbook and pencil from her backpack. Amity looks at Amora with confusion before she kneeled down with the human girl and the two critters walked to be beside the two, Knight laid down on his stomach beside his owner with the baby trash slug on his back. Amora smiled slightly as she slowly draws out a light glyph, then taps it. She then gently cups the ball of light produced before she holds it up to Amity.

Amora: ... I'm training hard to be one so I can fit into this world for my new family.

Amity stared at the ball of light in awe, before she turns away, causing Amora to give her a soft smile in understanding.

Amity: That's nothing. A child could do a light spell.

Amora didn't take offense to Amity's words as she had the ball of light float in between them as she began making a sketch in the very last page of her sketchbook.

Amity: But... I've never seen it cast like that.

Amora: It doesn't come naturally to me like it does for you, so I've had to improvise.

Amity: ( sighs ) Why?

Amora: ( looks at Amity ) ( confused: ) Hm?

Amity: Why did you say that you forgave me? How can you just forgive someone for something like that?

Amora: ( takes a deep breath ) ( with a sad smile: ) For your first question, the answer is because I understand why. And the second, is because someone dear to me once told me to see the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see. ( Honestly: ) And I do see that light on you, Amity. No matter how much your words hurt me or others. I see that in everyone, even Lilith, though I'm about fifty percent sure that she and my mentor are arguing right now as we speak.

Amity looked at Amora stunned by the human's words, before she turns away.

Amity: Even if they don't deserve your kindness or your forgiveness?

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