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Chapter 141: Junior Sister, What Kind of Monster Are You?

Zhu Ye raised his eyes slightly, raised his palm lightly, and a gray aura blasted the steward against the wall of the secret room, and he fell heavily to the ground!

"You can't even do a little thing right!"

Zhu Ye exuded a strong aura, and frowned at the steward.

"City Lord, please calm down, I will definitely speed up the search."

The steward lay on the ground, his internal organs were in pain, but he didn't dare to show it. He quickly crawled and knelt in the middle of the secret room, his body trembling slightly.

The city lord was unfathomable and his thoughts were unpredictable. He was afraid that he would lose his life if he was not careful.

The profits that had been saved in Heisha City for nearly half a year were about to be transferred out, but they all disappeared at once, and the secrets in the old palace were also discovered, and all the hard work was destroyed.

All the efforts of so many years are about to fail, and you can imagine how furious the city lord will be...

The other eight people slowly looked in the direction of the city lord, with a strong pressure on their bodies.

"City Lord Zhu, the profit of the palace is gone, but if this matter is exposed, it will definitely cause a strong response on the mainland. I am afraid that you and I will not be safe at that time!"

The voice of the person who spoke was obviously changed, and a pair of sharp eyes were revealed in the dim face.

The other seven people nodded.

"That's right, this matter must not be discovered, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"The culprit must be found!"

Using the corpse of a living person to refine pills, once such a thing is known to the world, it will definitely cause a huge outrage...

Zhu Ye frowned slightly and tapped lightly on the armrest with one hand.

"Don't worry, I will investigate this matter thoroughly. I will give you the dividends I promised you. Let's put aside the matter of Heisha City for now. We will discuss it in detail after we find that person..."

Zhu Ye's words eased the breath of the eight people next to him, and the atmosphere in the secret room became much better.

The steward knelt on the ground and listened to the words of the city lord, secretly shocked.

If the profits distributed to the eight mysterious people do not change, then they will come from the city lord's own pocket.

There are also more than a dozen little ghosts. They took great pains to find them, and they are still conscious. They are ready to build a team, but they never thought...

Such a loss made the steward sweat again...

"Since the city lord is generous, then we will obey your orders."


Not long after, the eight mysterious figures in the secret room left one after another, flying quickly in all directions, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they had never appeared...

At this moment, only Zhu Ye and the steward were left in the secret room.

The steward was still kneeling on the ground, his body trembling slightly.

Zhu Ye's eyes fell on him, his expression was cold, "Did anyone approach the restricted area that day?"

The steward lowered his head and thought, and shook his head slowly, "I heard from the people in the palace that the young master came to Heisha City and went to the restricted area that day, but he left just before the destruction of the old palace. I don't know if he knew about the bombing of the old palace. Other than that, I haven't heard any reports about suspicious people."

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