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Chapter 561 Re-ranking

Si Yichen and Shen Bingxin smiled and poked their heads out from behind Feng Xiyue. They loved doing these things the most. They felt so sorry that Feng Xiyue didn't ask them to help this time.

"Yuer! Why didn't you ask us to help with such a fun thing?"

Shen Bingxin shook Feng Xiyue's hand, her face full of coquettishness, "Call me next time, let them see the power of the little devil!"

"That's right! If you want me to go, I'll charge them 50,000 spirit stones each! Let them be envious and jealous!"

Si Yichen touched his chin and smiled roguely, looking at those who had opinions with great pride.

Ye Qingniao and Ling Jingyi looked at the two of them from the side and shook their heads with amusement...

True Lord Yueli was busy counting the storage bags, and his eyes hardly left the mountain of storage bags on the ground.

True Lord Jiuyue helped him count with shining eyes.

The two of them were just like exiled immortals, and now they have completely forgotten to maintain their aloof image...

Bai Che Zhenjun's eyes fell on the storage bags on the ground, and he looked at Feng Xiyue with appreciation.

How come his apprentices did things so smoothly~

"Okay~ The opening ceremony of the competition has begun. Let your Xuan Jing Zhenjun explain the rules of these competitions to you in detail. Next, we will enter the competition~"

"Got it, Master!"

Xuan Jing Zhenjun stood up with a stack of papers, ready to read everyone the rules of this competition...

Just as he opened his mouth, a figure came out from the Sect Alliance Council Pavilion again. It was the chairman of the Council Pavilion.

His eyes were somewhat obscure. He glanced at Master Bai Che, and then looked at other sects obscurely...

When most of the sects and families jointly submitted their opinions, they adopted a method of voting by more than half to directly decide the rules of the next competition, and did not inform the Wentian Sect...

I didn't expect Master Bai Che to come this time...

He sighed in his heart and mustered up the courage to walk to the podium again.

The scene that was originally full of discussions suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at the chairman of the meeting hall.

Even everyone in the Wentian Sect stopped and looked at him, guessing what he had to say.

"Isn't the conversation over? I wonder what the chairman of the meeting hall will say when he comes out?"

Lu Tianlin looked at him and murmured.

Chi Jing shook his head, "Maybe there is something else to add."

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity...

Bai Che Zhenjun's eyes fell on the chairman of the Council Chamber, his eyes narrowed, and the depths of his eyes showed deep meaning...

The chairman of the Council Chamber cleared his throat and looked at everyone firmly, as if he had made some important decision.

"This year's competition conference is the year with the most participants in the history of our upper cultivation world! Taking this opportunity, we decided to make a major change this year..."

His voice paused, looking in the direction of Wentian Sect...

Everyone in Wentian Sect had a bad premonition in their hearts.

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