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Chapter 501 If you don't say it, no one will know

"Yue Li, you old man, I know you always hate that our Jianfeng ranks above Danfeng, and you actually do these little tricks to disgust people!"

He raised his legs and chased after Yue Li Zhenjun to fight!

Yue Li Zhenjun spread his legs and told them, "Remember not to cause trouble during the days when the master is away!"

After saying that, he ran out in a flash, and did not forget to look back at Jiu Yue Zhenjun and insult him, "Don't think that your Jianfeng ranks in the front because you are strong. In fact, your swordsmanship is not as good as mine!"

His words completely angered Jiu Yue Zhenjun.

"Okay! Let's compete!"

As Jiu Yue Zhenjun's voice fell, the two of them fought directly on the big playground of the main peak, instantly attracting the attention of many disciples.

Lu Xiyue led Lu Tianlin and his group to quickly leave the main peak, holding back their smiles as they crouched down to Wentian Peak...

In the middle of the fight, True Lord Yueli suddenly called a halt, and said "Huh" with a puzzled look on his face.

"Wait a minute! Just now, Tianlin and his group seemed to be ten people?!"

True Lord Jiuyue rushed over with his spirit sword raised, sneering at his little trick.

"Who cares if they are ten or eight! Don't think that this trick of yours can divert my attention. Today, we must see who is better! Watch this!"

True Lord Jiuyue finished speaking, and rushed towards True Lord Yueli with his spirit sword raised.

Master Yueli dodged while holding the spirit sword, and explained, "Listen to me, there were ten people in Tianlin just now! Have you forgotten? There were ten people attacking Wentian Sect and Sanhe Sect, I mean..."

"You still want to divert my attention? Bah! You can't escape this time!"

Master Jiuyue didn't listen to Master Yueli at all, and his attack moves were more novel and powerful than the last.

When Master Yueli saw this, his beard stood up in anger. "You old man, don't you understand what I mean? I mean, are they the ones who are going to cause trouble? Didn't you see that their clothes are different from usual?"

"Yes, they are just ordinary clothes they wear every day! Do you still want to deceive me? No way!"

Master Jiuyue looked as if he had discovered your conspiracy a long time ago, and his moves against Master Yueli became more and more ruthless...

Master Yueli couldn't resist and shouted "I don't care!" and immediately threw himself into the fight between the two...

"Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

"I'll return this sentence to you!"

"Don't you rely on your powerful swordsmanship?! I'll show you today that even if it's us from Danfeng, I'll let you know that our swordsmanship is better than yours!"

"How ridiculous!"

"You'll know if it's ridiculous after you try it!"


The two of them fought and bickered at the same time. This novel scene immediately attracted many disciples of the Wentian Sect to watch.

They had never seen the peak masters fighting each other. They shouted and raised their fists, and the disciples quickly split into two gangs.

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