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Chapter 381 Playing like crazy

The conversation between them made the people of Xiaoyao Sect look as black as the bottom of a pot!

Especially Ouyang Yuchen, who had never been insulted like this before. How could the pride of a child of destiny be trampled on? !

He waved his spirit sword and instantly burst out with the ultimate killing blow, ready to teach Lu Tianlin a lesson!

Both of them were in the early stage of refining the void. As long as he was fast enough, he would be sure to teach Lu Tianlin a lesson!

The blue and white sword energy, combined with the ultimate killing blow, was about to fall on Lu Tianlin with a destructive state...

Lu Xiyue flew gently to Lu Tianlin, stretched out her index finger and shook it at him, "Let me do this little trick!"

In the past, she could defeat the early stage of refining the void strongman in the middle stage of the spirit transformation in the lower cultivation world. Now that she has been promoted to the early stage of refining the void, isn't it a piece of cake to deal with him? !

She did not reveal her identity, but held the magic sword tightly with both hands, and aimed at Ouyang Yuchen's spiritual sword and hit it hard like hitting a golf ball!



Ouyang Yuchen's spiritual sword shot back like a kite that had lost its line, and without any intention of stopping, it rushed straight to Ouyang Yuchen's chest, pushing him backwards, and disappeared in an instant!

Lu Xiyue held the hilt of the sword with her right hand and inserted it into the ground, and looked at the people of Xiaoyao Sect with her left hand on her waist, looking at them in disbelief.

"No way?! This is your senior brother?! He disappeared with such a little strength? I just waved it lightly!"

Everyone in Xiaoyao Sect: !!! !!! !!! !!!

They were all stunned!

What happened? !

Where is the senior brother? !

The Xiaoyao Sect disciples who were arrogant just now were all stunned. The senior brother who ranked first in their hearts was actually knocked away by a 13 or 14-year-old girl? !

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

Except for Bai Luo and Ning Jinshu who showed a slight look of surprise, the faces of others changed drastically.

They couldn't imagine that Lu Xiyue had become stronger after just one month of not seeing her!

Such a realization shocked them, and they looked at Lu Xiyue with a bit of unspeakable strangeness in their eyes.

The other disciples reacted and ran behind them in fear.

"Just wait and see, our senior brother will definitely not let you go when he comes back!"

The disciples of Xiaoyao Sect didn't forget to say a few threatening words while running.

Lu Xiyue raised her eyebrows!


A drowned chicken is still so arrogant?

It seems that they don't know how to be afraid if they don't teach them a lesson!

Lu Xiyue held the magic sword in her hand, aimed at the fleeing Xiaoyao Sect disciples, and hit them hard!


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