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Chapter 701 The Eight Elders of Tianchi

Everyone's heart tightened, and they could no longer hide their surprise when they realized the mystery inside the castle.

Xiao Jue stood in front, and his expression did not change at all.

He had been to this place countless times, and he got used to it after seeing it many times.

He understood everyone's reaction when they first came here, just like his reaction when he first came here when he was young...

In everyone's surprise, Wenjun led everyone into the castle, turned through the long corridors, and suddenly the front was open!

Eight tall and sacred figures sat in eight different directions of the castle. Their bodies looked twice as tall as the disciples of each sect, and they sat high on a five-meter-high platform!

There was a glowing halo behind each person's head, with a peaceful face and unfathomable eyes, which made people awe at first glance.

When everyone walked in, their hearts were tightly pulled, and they couldn't help but feel nervous.

Before they could react, they were automatically divided into five rows on the ground where they stood.

The arrangement of these five rows is all based on their cultivation!

Everyone secretly looked up and found that the eyes of the eight elders were all closed. They only slowly opened their eyes after they were divided into five rows.

Their eyes fell on everyone, as if they could see through everything!

Everyone froze and dared not move.

Even if their leader looked at them, it had never been so frightening.

Everyone dared not say a word, just quietly letting the eight elders look at them.

Even breathing, everyone did not dare to be presumptuous...

Before everyone could see clearly, the eight elders who were originally high above, flashed and sat right in front of everyone. The figures of the eight people also returned to the same size as them, and they did not seem to have such a strong pressure just now.

All the disciples of the sect were horrified, watching the transformation techniques of the eight elders, their hearts were tightly held.

"Early stage of Spiritualization, middle stage of Spiritualization... Early stage of Void Refining, middle stage of Void Refining... Early stage of Combination?"

The elder in the middle spoke slowly, his voice was like divine sound, and it shocked everyone's heart.

Especially when he said a level, his eyes fell on the corresponding disciples, and those disciples were all shocked and dared not speak...

When he finished speaking, his voice was slightly raised, and all the elders' eyes fell on Feng Xiyue, with a little surprise in the depths of their eyes, followed by admiration.

When they saw her appearance, the eight elders narrowed their eyes, a bright color flashed, and their eyes were full of deep meaning when they looked at Feng Xiyue.

"What's your name? How old are you this year?"

Feng Xiyue smiled slightly, looked at the elder who asked the question and said loudly, "I am Feng Xiyue, a disciple of Bai Che Zhenjun of Wentian Sect in the Upper Cultivation Realm. I am fourteen years old this year. There are more than twenty disciples in our sect."

She grinned, and her eyes were full of cunning.

A lot of information was revealed in one sentence.

For a sect to have so many disciples here, there was no other possibility except the first.

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