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Chapter 401 The Explosive Black Rat Beast is under siege

"Okay, follow me~"

Although it looks a bit ugly, it doesn't have any bad intentions.

The Explosive Black Rat Beast instantly smiled, and its grinning face with snot hanging from its nose looked funny no matter how you looked at it.

The others crossed their arms and had some feelings for this ugly and stupid Explosive Black Rat Beast after spending some time with it.

They were actually a little happy to hear that the senior sister had left it.

Lu Xiyue put it into the ancient space and looked up at everyone.

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone nodded and quickly followed the senior sister...

Nai tuan, who was guarding the Holy Spirit Tree in the ancient space, stood at attention beside the Holy Spirit Tree, and suddenly saw an ugly big rat flying down from the sky, hitting the sky above the Holy Spirit Tree, and it was about to crush the Holy Spirit Tree...

Nai tuan: ! ! ! ! ! !

He was so scared that he felt like he was facing a great enemy. He quickly changed back to his original form, turned 360 degrees and slammed the Explosive Black Rat Beast to the ground!

The Explosive Black Rat Beast, who was bathing in the rich spiritual energy with his eyes shining, was intoxicated by the fairy-like environment of the ancient space and drooled. Before he could sigh that he finally didn't have to run around for the rest of his life, he was slammed to the ground by a magic sword, and his head was full of stars!

"Who?! Who attacked me?!"

The Explosive Black Rat Beast quickly got up, wiped his saliva, and quickly looked for the target with his wretched little eyes.

Nai tuan turned back to human form, put his hands on his waist and shouted, "Everyone hurry up! A rat is coming in!"

This shouting called back the many small beasts lying on the ground who were intoxicated. With a clatter, all the divine beasts and spirit beasts stood up and surrounded the Explosive Black Rat Beast tightly!

"This damn rat, how dare it come into Yue'er's ancient space to steal food?!"

"How did it get in?"

"Logically speaking, Yue'er's ancient bracelet is a divine artifact, and it's impossible for a rat to get in. Could it be a counterfeit product?"

Fatty held his chin and murmured suspiciously.

"No matter whether it is counterfeit or not, this rat looks so disgusting, kill it quickly!"

Xue Lan frowned at the Explosive Black Rat Beast, and felt that it was an insult to her noble personality to look at it for one more time.

The other small beasts nodded in agreement, and all of them showed their most powerful moves, ready to turn the big rat in front of them into a rat!

When the Explosive Black Rat Beast saw this scene, it was so scared that the rat hair on its body stood up, and it ran and shouted!

"I didn't crawl in by myself. My master let me in."

Nai tuan turned into a magic sword and carried many small beasts to chase the black rat beast, shouting, "How dare you talk big here!"

"There is only one owner of this bracelet. Do you want to deceive us?! You deserve a beating!"

"Hurry up and kill it!"

Moltres spurted out a lot of flames with a "boom", burning the black rat beast not far ahead.

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