Chapter 13: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune

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"What do you think you're doing!? Let me go!?" Usagi demanded, but the Indian wouldn't listen to her.

"I wouldn't let a beautiful thing like you," the man said, grinning.

"If you don't let me go, I'll kick your ass!" Usagi shouted, hitting his back.

"Worlds Shaking!" Suddenly, there was a wave of explosion, causing the man to release Usagi. Of course, he was knocked out.

After Usagi landed on the ground, she groaned as she got up immediately.

Who saved me? Usagi thought, confused. She thought it was Liu Kang. Instead, when she turned around, she faced the two familiar figures standing in front of her.

Do I know them? Are they...? Usagi thought. Then her sapphire eyes widened, noticing their appearance.

"Are you okay, miss?" The girl with the shortest hair wearing a Sailor Guardian outfit asked.

She gasped. No way! These two are the Sailor Guardians like I and my friends!

"Are you hurt?" Another girl with green hair asked in a kind tone.

Usagi gave them a confused look. "Do I know you? You two look familiar."

"I'm Sailor Uranus and this is my girlfriend Sailor Neptune."

Eventually, Usagi gasped dramatically as she recalled. "Wait! I know you! You two are Haruka and Michiru!"

Sailor Uranus blinked in shock. "What? How did you know our true identity?"

"I recognize your face! At first, you two looked familiar from before and now I realize it was you both!" Usagi said excitedly.

"Impressive. I never expected you to recognize us." Sailor Neptune said.

"Usagi!" It was Minako who ran after her.

"Mina!" Usagi cried out as she ran to her and hugged her.

"Thank goodness! Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I'm okay. I was saved by the two Sailor Guardians."

Minako blinked. "What?"

"What are you two doing here?" Usagi asked.

"We only came to find Dark Endymion who attacked us," Sailor Uranus said.

She blinked. "What happened!? What did Mamoru do!?"

"Mamoru? You mean Prince Endymion from a previous life?" Sailor Neptune asked curiously.

Usagi nodded. "Yes. He died a long time ago until he was reincarnated on Earth. He is also my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me."

"I'm sorry to hear that, dumpling," Sailor Uranus.

"Why did he break up with you?" Sailor Neptune asked, wondering why Mamoru hurt her.

She groaned. "For no damn reason. Probably for someone I used to know."

"I see."

"So why did Mamoru attack you both?" Minako asked, wondering to know why.

"When school is over, we went out on a date. It was then we were encountered by Dark Endymion until he attacked us. He also demanded us where you were, so he would have you. We didn't tell him where you were, so we began to fight. That was when we came to find you after we escaped from the attack." Sailor Uranus explained.

She gritted his teeth in anger. "That Mamoru! He probably was given orders by Shao Kahn to kidnap me so Earthrealm would be destroyed."

"That is what I was figuring out about it," Sailor Neptune said.

"Speaking of which, let's go ask the kidnapper where we could find Nightwolf," Sailor Uranus said glaring at the unconscious man.

"Great idea," Sailor Neptune said, nodding in agreement.

"What? You two were looking for Nightwolf, too?" Usagi asked, shocked.

"We needed information on how to save Endymion from Shao Kahn's control," Sailor Uranus said.

"Oh..." Then she looked at them. "I also needed his help to how to defeat Shao Kahn."

Then Sailor Uranus walked up to him and grabbed him in the back of his head, pulling him close to her. "Hey, you! Do you know where Nightwolf is?"

"I'm Nightwolf..."

"What!? The one who kidnapped me!?" Usagi said in shock.

She glared at him. "Alright, you! Now you are going to take us to the Tribe and help us how to stop that madness."

Nightwolf nervously nodded. "O-Of course..."

"Wait! We need to find Liu Kang and Kung Lao! I haven't forgotten about him!" Usagi said.

"Go ahead. I'll deal with Nightwolf. Neptune, go with Usagi." Sailor Uranus said before dragging him to the Tribe.

Sailor Neptune nodded. "Of course."

"Wait! You cannot go!" Nightwolf pleaded with them.

"Why?" Usagi asked, giving him a look.

"If you want me to tell you how to save your ex and defeat Shao Kahn, then you must pass three tests," Nightwolf said.

"Three tests?" Usagi asked, confused.

He nodded. "If you passed the three tests, I will tell you. If you failed, I won't help you. Or you could be my woman."

"Ewww! I don't belong to anyone! I belong to my boyfriend Liu Kang, weirdo!" Usagi shouted.

He grinned. "Too bad."

Then Sailor Uranus hit him in the back of his head. "Leave her alone, creep!"

"Minako and I'll go get Liu Kang and Kung Lao for you, Usagi. You go do the three tests." Sailor Neptune said before taking off.

She nodded. "Okay. Please bring him to the tribe safety."

"I promise," Sailor Neptune said.

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