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A/n: Sorry for not publishing this part with the rest. Just found out that it wasn't.


                    Kayla's POV

      I hurriedly left there as soon as I could, trying my best to control the surge of emotions that were overwhelming.

       Finding an alley that's less crowded, I took deep breathes to calm myself.

     I knew it from the start. I knew that Jason only saw me as a friend and a sister at a certain point. But hearing him say so himself, it's quite hurtful.

      I all ready decided on letting go of this fleeting feelings along time ago but I couldn't, even though I tried hard. I cluched my hands near my chest. I shouldn't have held on to it.

      This feelings only makes one hurt, this is real life after all and not a fairy tale or story. Things don't always go the way you want it.

       'I guess it's finally time to let it go.' A sad smile played on my lips.

    'At least I can focus on what's important now.' I thought determinedly.

          It might be that I'm just trying to distract myself from the clustered of emotions that I'm feeling, and I do know that. But I also know that there's no use trying to force one to love you. So whatever happens, I know its for the best.


Night Time,
Smith's Mansion.

       "Darling, Little bumblebee, it's time for dinner!" Mom informed us about dinner, stepping into the parlour with an apron on.

      "OK, thank you Dear." Dad said keeping the remote control on the table, then took one last look at the news that he was watching and standing up to go to the dinner table.

       I paused the game I was playing in my phone, 'All right, it's time to take action.' I thought then stood up.

     "Kayla, we are you off to now, it's time for dinner!" Mom said looking at me that was about to alight the stairs.

       "I forgot something upstairs, I'll just take a quick look." I explained.

       Looking at me skeptically, mum sighed and said, "five minutes. Before your dad finishes all the food."

         I nodded, then hurriedly ran off. I set the timer of my phone for five minutes. When mum says five minutes, she means no joke.

       I walked up to their room and gently pushed open the door to avoid making it creak.

       I walked in and started looking through their jewellery drawer, 'sorry Mom, dad, for not asking you beforehand.' I thought to myself.

     'Arghh! I can't find anything. I've searched all the possible place I could think of and I haven't seen it. I even looked under the bed!

         Now it's remaining less than two minutes! All right, let's calm down and think this through.

     'Where could it possibly be?' I thought, sitting down on the bed.

      'Mom said that it was a friend that gave it to them. Mom normally treasures what she gets from the people close to her even if it's a small thing.' I looked around the room.

        'So the most likely place she will keep it is where she's sure it will be safe. That place is,...' I stood up then went to the makeup mirror.

      Looking at it carefully, I noticed something out of place. It looked like a small door. Maybe a secret safe?

     I pushed the part that looked like a handle, it was locked. Then it showed were I needed to insert the password.

     'I don't have time to think of what it might be, I hope this is the right digits.' I thought to myself and pressed, 0 1 2 3.

     The safe immediately opened. "Phew!" I breathed out.

       I then began to look through it carefully, the safe is not that packed so it was easy to spot the jade necklace.

    I grabbed it and began to study it. "Oh no!" I almost dropped the necklace when I saw the symbol inside.

      "It can't be! Mom and dad would never,...!" I said frantically.

      'The possibility of what this proves is too hard to bear. I know mum and dad, their the kindest people in the world!' I almost yelled out.

     I took a step back. My mind was starting to pain me and I kept on seeing some weird images.

       'I need to calm down!' I said to myself then took steady breaths.

        "Kayla! What's taking you so long?!" Mum shouted.

    Hearing her voice, I realised that my phone was all ready vibrating.

      I cancelled the timer and went out. 'There's a chance that it might not be it!" I kept on repeating this sentence like a chant.

The next day,
Fruits Yogurt.

    I walked inside and spotted Jason and Leah at our regular spot. I went to them tiredly and heard Leah saying.

     "Jason, I thought about what you said, and I still don't understand one thing."

     "Uh, what's that then?" Jason asked. Both of them didn't notice my arrival yet.

      "You remembered your lost memory from seeing the jade picture, but,..." Leah seems to be thinking things through while Jason waited for her to continue patiently.

       I just stopped were I was to listen to them. I also need some time to try to figure out somethings. Maybe I might get a clue from whatever their talking about.

       "...In your story, you didn't mention anything regarding the necklace."

      "Ahh!" Jason exclaimed, "I one's got a glimpse of it on the girls mother."

    "Ohhh!" Leah said, as if hitting a jackpot. "Hmm, I understand now. Still, to remember it after only one glimpse, that's quite impressive!"  Jason smiled a little.

      Leah sipped her juice through the straw, "Either way, shots taking Kayla so long! She's normally here before any one of us!"

      "I'm all ready here." I said.

       "Ahhh!" Leah screamed. "You scared me!" She continued, calming herself while I took a sit beside her.

      "What took you so long--- wow! You look dreadful!" She said worriedly, Looking at my large dark circles.

     "Thanks for the compliment." I said  with a weak smile then lay my head on the table.

     I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I kept on thinking about the necklace. My mind was buzzing. Even now I feel nauseous.

      "I looked for the necklace yesterday night." I said, shutting Leah before she could say anything.

      ""Oww!!"" They both said looking worried.

      "The was a symbol inside." I told them, my voice a little ruffled.

      Leah and Jason made eye contact, "umm,...Kayla..." Leah started but I cut her off.

      "But there's still hope!" I took my head off the table and looked at them.

      "Just because it had a symbol inside doesn't mean that its the same symbol as the one of J.A.D.Es! Remember what you said Leah! The are many jewelleries that are alike so maybe,... just maybe it might not be the same!"

          I said with new found determination. This is the most rational possibility I was able to come up with so far. So it had to be... no it is it!

      ""Uhun!!"" Both Jason and Leah agreed with smiles.

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