⚠️TRAUMA ALERT, the letter in this chapter is graphic! If you do not want to read about some of Fatima's trauma skip this chapter! You have been WARNED ⚠️
Zac looked at Fatima and bit his lip, "T what are you doing?"
Fatima, "I'm thanking you for being a perfect gentlemen!"
Zac, "Well I matured that way! What I will tell you is, kissing my neck will bring troubles I just don't think you're ready for! I'll see you later!"
He let her go and walked to his truck before driving away!
Jana, "He got that thang wet huh?"
Fatima, "Since the first time I seen him again but I know he won't go there with me and who's to blame him!"
Angela, "Fatima whatever Ian did doesn't even matter right now!"
Lori, "Exactly you and Zac have always been a thing and if it's meant to be, which I am sure it is then he'll come back to you! Don't stress it!"
Fatima, "Umhm what about y'all men? I seen them today and they are looking good! If I do say so myself!"
Jana, "Idk girl! Maybe the stars will align for us too!"
Lori & Angela, "Right!"
Fatima decided to decorate her office with some things she found in the storage! It came along pretty well and she even framed and hung up her Credentials! Gina added her name plate to the door and handed her, her office key and building key! She also gave her the passcode to the alarm! It was time for them to lock up and Fatima rode with Jana! When they arrived at their house she realized it was a triplex, beautiful and elegant! Angela handed her the keys to her truck and Fatima inspected the inside! She loved everything about it and it was definitely enough for her! She hung out with the girls a while and then decided to head back to her apartment! Meech was there with the cops!
Meech, "Fatima can we talk to you in Zac's office for a minute!"
She nodded her head and followed behind them!
Fatima, "What is this about?"
Meech, "Ian was found hanging in his cell about 2 hours ago!"
Fatima, "WHAT?" *tears flowed*
Meech he left you this letter:
Dear T,
I never meant to hurt you but damn it felt good! I just looked at you and seen everything I would never be! You can call it jealousy or bitch tendencies who cares! I know what I did to you was wrong in the eyes of everyone else but it was right in my eyes! I can't take back any of it and I don't want to! I enjoyed the sex whether it was on your free will or forced! Hell I also enjoyed whooping your ass and selling you for sex! Men paid top dollar for that million dollar pussy! You were and still are so beautiful! I know you loved me but the truth is no matter how I acted I loved you too! I loved you so much sometimes it actually hurts! I had power over you and honestly still do! I took you from your family and made you my bottom bitch! You can't tell me you didn't enjoy the many dicks you had inside of you! Remember the train that was ran on you! I handcuffed you to the bed and let all the homies SMASH! Good times! You always gonna run from your problems instead of face them because you're stupid and worthless! I heard you were pregnant and lost the baby! I bet you don't know who the daddy was! I mean we can guess but we know how you got down recently! I'm glad you lost it because now you honestly don't have nobody to love or love you back! I made sure you'll be too scared to love the next man so good luck with that! You'll always be reminded of the pain I inflicted on you and honestly I loved you that way! Scared and weak! The only thing that wasn't weak about you was your pussy and I tried my hardest to tear that down too! If you hadn't have stopped me the other night! I would've loved your ass to DEATH! Can't no other nigga have my sweet pussy and I'll hunt your ass for the rest of your life if I have to! Sleep with one eye opened and remember even in hell I can see your bullshit! Oh I forgot to mention! I'm married! Yep Married with 4 kids 2 sons and 2 daughters looks like you just robbed my kids of their daddy! You may feel like big shit now cause you got away but trust and believe you'll be crying at my grave ready to dig me up so you can have me again! It always works out like that! If you're reading this it means that I killed myself! I was no good living without torturing you and I know for a fact you're miserable living without me! Girl you were the best piece of pussy I've ever had and trust I had plenty before you, while with you and probably will have more in the afterlife! Go ahead and kill yourself so you can join me. You know you want to but even if you don't remember Ian Williams fucked your whole world up! Don't give my pussy away! Remember you'll always belong to me! TILL DEATH DO US PART LITERALLY! I'll see you in HELL BABY! I love you! ~Ian

From Product to Professional |COMPLETED|
RomantikThis story navigates through trauma, pain and recovery! Read More to Find out what unfolds for Zac and Fatima!