Girl Talk

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Tears spring to Zac's eyes and he walked upstairs with the papers! Armias looked at Fatima, "Booga I'm going to let the emotions marinate and I'll see y'all when you get back! I just couldn't allow him to leave and not know the truth! Again, I want to say I'm sorry!" and with that he left!

Fatima took a deep breath and went upstairs to check on Zac! She walked into the room and found him in a trance looking at the papers! She walked up to him and grabbed his hands, "Zac are you okay?"

Zac, "I just can't believe that she would hurt me like this! She knew how much I Loved Him! I know things may have been rocky for them but for her to remove him away from my life by making these types of allegations is bizarre asf!"

Fatima, "We don't know exactly what she was thinking but I will tell you every emotion you are currently feeling is valid! I've known Armias for a while and when he loves, he loves hard! The man your mom painted him to be is nonexistent but that also doesn't stop the heartbreak!"

Zac, "Looking at this paperwork, now I know! I was wrong about him, but I still don't know if I am ready to build a relationship with him!"

Fatima, "And that's okay! Do whatever is best for you and I'll support your decision but whenever you decide you're ready just remember you have the letter you wrote him!"

Zac, "Yeah I know! Is everyone ready to leave?"

Fatima, "Idk I haven't seen the girls since earlier and I haven't seen the guys either!"

Zac, "Well I'll text the guys and see!"

Fatima, "Okay I need to change into something comfortable!"

Zac, "Are we packing anything?"

Fatima, "Besides hygiene products no! We will shop when we make it to Miami around 2 because we board the yacht at 4!"

Zac, "Okay cool!"

Fatima changed and packed up her hygiene products and Zac did the same thing! They walked downstairs and seen everyone waiting for them! Fatima got a notification about their rideshare and they headed out! The ride to the airport took 25 minutes and then they made it through customs before boarding their flight! Fatima had just received a text message from her mom, and it was a cute picture of Giovani! They both admired the image and took their seats, heading to Miami!

When they arrived, there was a rideshare waiting! Fatima made sure to book the same person to pick them up from the airport and drop them off at the yacht! They made it to the shopping plaza, and everyone went their separate ways!

Lori, "So T wassup with you and Zac?"

Fatima, "Y'all know I love him! I'm just moving a little slower this time around to let him back in! I knew I couldn't be mad at him forever and I was a fool to try to be considering we will be working together! I bought that house and I do love it but I know you heifers got plans to move with your men!"

Angela, "How did you know?"

Fatima, "Y'all thought I wouldn't notice how y'all have basically drew back? This is the first time we have discussed my situation with Zac in two days! And when Armias came over you would've thought he was a can of raid the way you heifers scattered like roaches! I love that y'all are respecting my space and I definitely understand but we were a part of THREE LONG ASS YEARS, and I love being around y'all! You don't have to stop talking to me just because my relationship with Zac is complicated and y'all really are caught up in the middle! I understand that but just remember that I need someone to talk to sometimes!"

Jana, "T we don't want to make you feel like we aren't here for you because believe me when I tell you we are down for you like 4 FLAT TIRES but the situation started to get messy and we were so close to it that we started mistreating our men based on emotions we had pertaining to you and Zac and they didn't deserve that!"

Fatima, "I get that I really do, and I wouldn't be mad at y'all for moving in with them! They really are great men and y'all definitely deserve to be happy!"

Angela, "What about your happiness though T?"

Fatima, "I am taking care of a beautiful baby boy who gave me a reason to live unapologetically again! He is one of the main reasons I go so hard because I just want to give him everything his brother didn't have and right now, he is enough for me!"

Lori, "T you know we love you and we love Giovani but sometimes it feels like you are pushing your trauma to the back and finding another unhealthy obsession! I know you bought that house because you are running away from Zac!"

Jana, "And did but Sis it's time to stop running and embrace that love shit!"

Angela, "Exactly! We know you love Zac, and we love him for you but when it comes to you to, we will never choose! We want to remain neutral and allow y'all to follow your hearts and hopefully make the right decision but both of y'all need to figure out exactly what you are doing because he doesn't want you with anyone and you definitely don't want him with anyone!"

Fatima, "Zac can date whomever he pleases! I just want some form of peace! I thought I found it but then this shit happened, and I just feel like, how can I love him properly when some days I don't love myself?"


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