New Opportunities

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The next morning the women got up but the men were gone! They normally run around 4 and then go to the gym and it was now 6! The women showered and got dressed! Then they got Giovani dressed before going to cook breakfast for the men when they returned! Jana is really an herbalist and most of her drinks she loves them homemade! She made the men and electrolyte blue raspberry tea and it was good as hell! She placed it in the refrigerator and then helped the women cook! They made, Shrimp and grits, Bacon, Veggie Omelettes and Blueberry muffins! They fixed the men plates and set the table as they were walking in!

The Men, "Good Morning Beautiful!"

The Women, "Good Morning Handsome!"

Zac, "It smells good in here!"

Jake, "It really does I see y'all woke up to cater to a nigga again huh?"

Angela, "You know it!"

Meech, "What's all this?"

Jana, "Breakfast fit for a king!"

Tony, "Well we can see that!"

Lori, "Y'all deserve it!"

Fatima, "Do y'all want to eat now or shower and then eat?"

Zac, "We can definitely eat now but y'all are going to spoil us!"

Meech, "Exactly and I can get used to this!"

Jana, "Well get used to it then baby!"

The men sat down and started eating, they tasted their drink and their eyes went wide!

The women laughed!

Lori, "Jana made y'all some electrolyte tea and we know it's good asf because we tried it!"

Jake, "Good ain't the word! This tea is amazing!"

Jana, "Well thank you I do what I can!"

The women sat down to eat with the men, when they finished they went to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes but were stopped!

Meech, "Uh Uh y'all cooked for us, we are going to clean the kitchen!"

Jana, "Well shit daddy go ahead then!" *rubbing her hands through his beard*

Meech, "Jana you better stop before I have you pinned up!"

Jana, "Ummm pin me then baby!"

The girls started laughing and Meech was shaking his head! They went upstairs and checked on Giovani before putting on their work clothes!

The girls started laughing and Meech was shaking his head! They went upstairs and checked on Giovani before putting on their work clothes!

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The women grabbed Giovani and walked downstairs!

Zac, "Wait a minute where are y'all going?"

Fatima, "To work hun!"

Jake, "Work?"

Angela, "Yes to work! We aren't bosses we actually work for someone!"

Meech, "Well tell Ms. Gina she might as well start looking for her replacements!"

Jana, "Baby what are you talking about?"

Tony, "If we break bread then so do y'all! We finna set y'all up to be your own bosses with your own schedules! Zac needs counselors and a social worker to run the shelter for women while he runs the shelter for men and soon y'all will be running your own outreach!"

Lori, "Well we love the sound of that but as for now we have to go punch the clock and Giovani will be with us today!"

Zac, "What?"

Fatima, "Yes you've been taking off to watch him and Ms. Gina said he can come with me so you can still work! Y'all can come by and see us for lunch!"

Meech, "We'll be there for lunch but make sure y'all have that conversation with Ms. Gina!"

Jana, "We will baby now calm down!"

They hugged and kissed their men and then headed on their way!

They arrived to work 30 minutes early and the women helped Fatima take Giovani to her office!

Fatima, "Y'all know they're serious right?"

Jana, "Yeah I know!"

Angela, "I can't say I don't love the idea!"

Lori, "Yeah it would be nice to let my hair down a little bit but I do love what I do here as well!"

Fatima, "So do I but they're coming by for lunch and if we don't talk to Ms. Gina best believe they're going to!"

Gina was walking in, "Good Morning Ladies and talk to me about what?"

The women, "Good Morning!"

Angela, "Well our men have a business opportunity for us but that would pull us away from here!"

Gina, "No actually it wouldn't!"

Jana, "How so?"

Gina, "Well I was actually coming to talk to you ladies! After today your services won't be needed in your positions!"

Lori, "Does that mean we are fired?"

Gina, "Oh heavens no! You've did a great job in your current positions but I'm placing someone else into them!"

Fatima, "It just sounds like we are fired to me!"

Gina, "I actually came because I wanted you all to be on our board of directors here! I need all of your ideas and perspectives! The job is basically remote so you can work from home! Most of the communication you will receive through emails! You will review case materials and ensure all documentation for each department is filled out correctly! You will also give insight on cases from time to time! The pay is definitely more 100,000 more a year! If you all decide to take the positions!"

The ladies looked at each other, "We accept!"

Gina, "Well thank you! The ladies you will be training will be here soon! You can shadow them and allow them to complete all the paperwork! They have done this before it will be more of guiding them than training them! I just want to make sure they know how we do things!"

Jana, "That's fine we can do that Ms. Gina thank you for the opportunity we won't let you down!"

Gina, "I know you ladies won't! I'll send over the offer letters to your emails! Once you sign them I'll be able to correct your pay in the system and send over your job responsibilities! Sometimes you may have to stop by but it won't be for long!"

Fatima, "That's fine! Thank you again!"

The trainees arrived and the ladies got started! Fatima placed Giovani in the nursery so she could train properly!

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