Zac looked up at Fatima and kissed her!
Zac, "T I'm so happy we are able to heal together!"
Fatima, "Me too! It's been real liberating being able to lean on you! That's something I've never had besides with my parents!"
Zac, "When I told you, I got you I meant it!"
Fatima, "I see!"
Zac grabbed Fatima and placed her on his lap, "Tell me what you see?"
Fatima, "I see a wonderful man who didn't allow the substance of his past to define his future!"
Zac, "And I see an amazingly talented woman who carries herself with grace because she knows her value is way more than the price she paid!"
Fatima, "Thank you for uplifting me!"
Zac, "I just added to your elevation baby!"
Fatima and Zac went to bathe Giovani and feed him! It took 25 minutes and then they came back downstairs!
Lori, "All smiles I see! Ig your Session went great!"
Fatima, "It did! I'm really happy about the progress made! Zac do you think we can switch up the last two phases?"
Zac, "What do you mean baby?"
Fatima, "Well I was thinking we can write the letters and read them!"
Zac, "Well it's not a bad idea!"
Fatima, "But it would require you to write a letter to your mom and dad! And go visit your mom and then we can work on finding your dad!"
Zac, "Normally I wouldn't agree to see Gladys but I do know it's a fundamental part of my healing journey so we can do that!"
Fatima, "Alright well let's head back up and write them! We will be right back!"
Fatima and Zac walked upstairs and got to writing! Fatima knew that she would have to read her letter out loud to the family because reading it to Ian was no longer an option! She also knew that she would need to go to the hospital tomorrow with Zac to support him unless he decided to go tonight which she doubted! Writing the letters took 30 minutes because they had to pray and gather their thoughts! They sealed the letters and placed them into the desk drawer before returning downstairs!
Angela, "I just want y'all to know that you're handling everything so well! I know in the beginning it may have felt like you two had the weight of the world on your shoulders but that has quickly changed and we couldn't be more proud of the both of you!"
Fatima, "Thank you! It really means a lot and having y'all here to support us means even more!"
Zac, "Yeah we don't know how we would've made it through without your undeniable and intentional help! It is greatly appreciated in more ways than one!"
Lori, "Well that's what we are here for!"
Jana, "Yeah We will always uplift you because we are a family and families stick together!"
Meech, "Y'all know we are down for whatever when it comes to y'all!"
Tony, "Yeah we may have gotten disconnected but back in the day when we were just regular street niggas y'all held us down in more ways than one!"
Jake, "Exactly! Y'all never judged us and always made sure we had food and a place to stay!"
The men turned and looked at the women, "We owe y'all everything and if we could reach up and grab the stars we would just to give them to you!"
The women embraced their men and then went into the kitchen to cook! Tonight was a lazy night so they decided to do Taco Salad! Quick and easy and y'all know Jana made some of that bomb ass tea! The women were finished in 45 minutes and assembled the men plates Fatima has some things she needed to address as far as their up and coming business was concerned!
Fatima, "So do we have room in the budget for 3 more employees?"
Zac, "Sure T just give me the names and paperwork and your wish is my command!"
Lori, "Who did you have in mind?"
Fatima, "Well Andi, Dani, and Brina reached out to me! They just moved here with their husbands and are looking for work and housing!"
Jana, "Now that will be great we haven't seen them in a minute!"
Angela, "Yeah, we were disconnected after they moved to LA!"
Fatima, "Well they're back and I think we have the perfect job opportunities for them!"
Zac, "What are their degrees in?"
Fatima, "Well Andi has a law degree, Dani's degree is in Business Marketing and Sabrina has a MBA in Financial Management with a minor in Accounting!"
Zac, "That's dope! Don't know what positions you want to give them?"
Fatima, "Andi can be our Liason Officer, Dani can be our Marketing Specialist, and Sabrina can be our Accountant!"
Zac, "Well have them send over their resumes and credentials and we will talk about the pay! What about their husbands?"
Fatima, "Robin has a degree in Sociology, Preston has a degree in Clinical Rehabilitation and Calvin has a degree in Entrepreneurship!"
Meech, "Well I know for a Fact we can use Robin in our Station!"
Zac, "Preston can be a major help at the center!"
Jake, "Calvin could be used at our Real Estate Office!"
Jana, "Sounds like a plan to me!"
Angela, "Yeah T this is a great idea!"
Fatima, "I know! That's why I decided to bring it up because I knew we could use them!"
Zac, "Well I say we pay them $100 an hour which is $4,000 a week, $17,320 a month and $200,000 a year! This is roughly the amount it also depends on the amount of time they work a week!"
Lori, "Well I think for entry level positions it's a great price!"
Fatima, "Me too I'll get the information to them and I'll let you know!"
Fatima texted them and waited for the response!

From Product to Professional |COMPLETED|
RomanceThis story navigates through trauma, pain and recovery! Read More to Find out what unfolds for Zac and Fatima!