Everyone arrived at the Yacht 15 minutes before it was time to leave! The guys grabbed the bags and they checked in and went straight to their rooms to shower and get ready! Zac and Fatima entered their room!
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Fatima began to organize their things and Zac went to go shower! 25 minutes later he was out and she went in! She took a long shower because honestly she was tired! 50 minutes later she came out the bathroom and Zac was in his boxers laying across the bed! She grabbed her clothes and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed! 25 minutes later she was out!
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She decided to take her jacket off and wear her clothes without it!
Fatima, "Zac are you ready?"
Zac, "Yeah but I need to talk to you first!"
Fatima, "Sure *sitting on the bed* Wassup?"
Zac, "Well I needed to talk to you about what transpired between us and my complete reasoning!"
Fatima, "I'm all ears!"
Zac, "Well I left because I felt like you wasn't going to let it go! Like I just wanted to breathe a little and you kept telling me to stay! It felt like I was suffocating in that moment T and I felt like you didn't care!"
Fatima, "Zac, I never meant to make you feel that way and I'm truly sorry! I was more focused on the outcome for me and Giovani that I neglected to think about you processing just seeing your dad for the first time in years! That's where I messed up and I truly want to apologize for it!"
Zac, "You're dope asf you know that?"
Fatima, "What?"
Zac, "You take accountability and don't place the blame!"
Fatima, "Neither do you so that makes you doper!"
Zac laughed, "I just really don't want you to think that I was leaving y'all because that's how it sounded to me!"
Fatima, "I was emotional in the moment and I'm so used to being abandoned that I placed all those feelings onto you and I was wrong but I need for you to understand that I never meant to hurt you!"
Zac, "T if anyone ended up hurting it was definitely you! I'm sorry for my actions I know I need work on them and I will I just don't want to lose you!"
Fatima, "You'll never lose me! We are raising a baby together and even if the timing is wrong for us being together at least we know now!"
Zac, "My boys told me that they asked the girls to move in with them!"
Fatima, "They did and they told me they accepted and I pulled my offer back on the house! Your money should be posted back into your account!"
Zac, "Does that mean you're not moving?"
Fatima, "I'm still moving! I'm just waiting because I'm thinking about going back to Philly!"
Zac, "Wait what?"
Fatima, "Yeah either that or going to LA!"
Zac, "Why?"
Fatima, "There's nothing here but trauma and the same goes for Philly so I may just move to LA!"
Zac, "What about our agreement with Giovani?"
Fatima, "Everything will stay the same until I figure out what I am going to do exactly!"
Zac, "But if you decide to move to LA what will we do then?"
Fatima, "He can spend half of the year with you and the other half with me or we can rotate months! I haven't completely figured it out!"
Zac, "That's not going to happen!"
Fatima, "So you want him full time?"
Zac, "Yes I do and I want his mama!"
Fatima, "We aren't good for each other right now! We'll just be fucking and that's something I don't have time for because feelings grow deeper and we both deserve happiness!"
Zac, "But I don't want anyone else but you!"
Fatima, "We need to heal and moving across the city and still working with you won't allow that!"
Zac, "Fatima, I won't give up on this or us!"
Fatima, "Zac I love you but the time for us to work out our differences is now! I can't be with you broken and you can't be with me confused!"
Zac, "Are you saying we aren't worth fighting for?"
Fatima, "I know we are worth fighting for but my issues will cause us to drift apart and I need to figure some things out! I will not allow myself to hurt you!"
Zac, "I understand!"
Zac was hurt and his feelings was all over the place at the thought of Fatima moving away! He wanted her to stay but he also knew trauma filled her up and it was hard not to relive it being in the place you were hurt the most! He couldn't make a decision for her because he knew he would be selfish as hell and demand she stays and that's not fair to her! He needed to leave room for her to make her own decision without his feelings clouding her judgment he just wished she would stay long enough for both of them to make things right because he knew niggas would snatch her up at any moment!
Fatima on the other hand was hurt by having to break the news to Zac about her thinking about moving! She knew there was a strong possibility that their adoption of Giovani would be granted and then she wouldn't want to take him away from Zac! The decision was hard but she felt like the city hurt her enough! She loved Zac and she knew he was worth it but she also knew the moment she let him go bitches would start swarming and she wasn't ready for that!