Intentional Healing

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The next morning they woke up shocked to see Giovani already bathed and fed! He was sleeping peacefully so they hopped in the shower! When they got out, they did their hygiene routine and got dressed then they made up their bed! After they finished they walked downstairs! Fatima walked into the kitchen and Zac joined the guys!

Lori, "Well if it isn't sleeping beauty!"

Fatima, "Good Morning Ladies!"

Jana, "Looks like someone got dickmatized last night!"

Angela, "Exactly look at that glow!

Fatima, "Why are y'all in my business?"

Jana, "Well we do stay together don't we?"

Fatima, "And!"

Lori, "All I want to know was if it was worth the wait!"

Fatima chuckled, "Definitely was! Let's just say he's an expert at what he does!" *biting her lip looking back at Zac who just so happened to be looking at her*

Angela, "Damn girl it was that good?"

Fatima, "Hit spots I wasn't aware of!"

Jana, "Girl you gone have that man sprung!"

Lori, "Look at his ass all googly eyed he's already sprung!"

Fatima, "Leave my man alone because I don't say nothing about y'all man!"


The girls started laughing and Fatima fixed Zac's plate and took it to him!

Fatima, "Here you go Daddy!"

Zac, "Thank You Baby!"

Fatima, "You're welcome!" *walking back into the kitchen*

Meech, "I see she has your nose wide open!"

Zac, "I'm not gone lie about it!"

Jake, "You hit it huh?"

Zac, "Umm That I did! Best I've ever had!"

Tony, "I hear you man because we feel the same way!"

Jake & Meech, "Exactly!"

Zac, "Idk what we did to deserve them but I know for a fact I thank God Daily for Fatima!"

Tony, "Bruh they're really special! That's how I know we can't fuck up and let the next nigga get them!"

Meech, "Hell yeah! Their last niggas fumbled the ball and we picked that MF up and took off!"

Jake, "Exactly!"

The women cleaned the kitchen and came to gather the dishes from the men! They cleaned them and the men took out all the trash! Everything was cleaned and Fatima looked at Zac, "Baby I'm going to get dressed!"

Zac, "For what?"

Fatima, "We are supposed to go to the hospital today!"

Zac, "That's right! I'm coming up right behind you!"

They entered the room and Fatima was browsing through her clothes when she felt Zac behind her!

Fatima, "What are you doing?"

Zac, "Trying to navigate through your intricate parts!"

As much as she wanted him as well she had to protest, because they had things to do!

Fatima, "You can make love to me until your heart is content after we are done handling business!"

Zac, "Okay let's get dressed!"

It took them 20 minutes to get dressed and then went to check on Giovani before going downstairs!

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It took them 20 minutes to get dressed and then went to check on Giovani before going downstairs!

Lori, "Damn y'all look like a power couple!"

Fatima, "Thanks hun! We shouldn't be long! Giovani has everything he needs and we will see y'all when we get back!"

Angela, "Okay Drive safe!"

The commute to the hospital took 25 minutes!

When they got their Fatima covered Zac in prayer because she knew he was anxious about this visit! Zac stepped out and helped Fatima get out of his truck and they walked in.

Receptionist, "Hello! How may we help you today?"

Zac, "Hello, we are here to see Gladys Johnson!"

Receptionist, "I see she's on the mental health wing! I will have to call someone from orderly to guide you there! Is that okay?"

Fatima, "Yes it is! Thank You!"

The receptionist paged someone, and they came to guide them to Gladys room! Fatima knocked on the door and Gladys responded, "I DON'T WANT NO MEDICINE TODAY!"

Fatima opened the door and walked in, "Who said anything about medicine?"

Gladys, "Well if it isn't the baddest bitch alive, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Fatima, "Well I am here to support my man as he reads a letter, he wrote for you!"

Gladys, "I'm all ears!"

Fatima, "I see that medicine working!"

Gladys cut her eyes because she knew Fatima was referring to the threats!

Zac's Letter

Dear Mama,

I just want you to know that I forgive you for everything you put me through! Although I was a kid and didn't understand Fatima has helped me to know that nothing you did was intentional! You were hurting to! When my Dad left, you turned into a totally different person! You neglected me in more ways than one! I don't know if you knew this but I was molested by three of your friends, while you sat downstairs and got high! You never checked on me at all! I understand you were hurting but I was hurting to! It's like I lost two parents in one day! I used to tiptoe around the house so I wouldn't piss you off! You starved me, beat me, belittled me and left me dirty for days! Through all of that, God has given me the strength to forgive you and I hope one day you can forgive yourself and my dad! Everyone deserves to be happy and in my happiness, I met Fatima! She showed me how to love and open up because hurt people hurt people! Ma I don't want to be hurt anymore and I don't want to be broken! This healing journey has been amazing for me and maybe one day you can heal but until then, I have nothing else to offer you!

With Love Zachary Luther Taylor!

Zac wiped his tears and left the room!

Gladys looked up at Fatima with tears in her eyes, "It hits different hearing it from him but I need you to do something for me!"

Fatima wiped her face, "What is it?"

Gladys, "Please take care of my babies!"

Fatima nodded and left the room!

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