Still Running

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The work day went by pretty fast for the girls and guys! Fatima invited the girls over to get in the pool! When she got home she seen the guys sitting at the table, the girls were with her and she barely looked Zac's way! He noticed and he was disappointed but he figured it was for the best! When they got upstairs, they changed into their bathing suits!

The complemented each other and headed down stairs! When they got down there it was like time stood still for the men! The women walked right past them and went to the pool! They paused their meeting and went that way! They knew some of the niggas...

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The complemented each other and headed down stairs! When they got down there it was like time stood still for the men! The women walked right past them and went to the pool! They paused their meeting and went that way! They knew some of the niggas from Rags to Riches was out there and about them 4 they were definitely prepared to take it there! Thankfully they were perfect gentle men cause shit could've gotten really ugly! They came out back and conducted the rest of their meeting on the patio so they could see the women!

Jana, "They swear up and down their asses had to come out here!"

Lori, "Exactly look at them pretending to work!"

Angela, "I see they're still with the bullshit!"

Fatima, "Girl you already know! They came to clock us!"

The women finished talking and swimming! When they got out, they walked past the men and blew in their ear! Everyone except Fatima she walked right past Zac! She was trying to respect his boundaries! The girls went upstairs and dried out before going home to shower! Fatima hopped in the shower and when she got out there was a knock at the door! She slid on her gown and answered it!

Fatima, "Who is it?"

Zac, "It's me!"

She opened the door and went to go sit down on the couch!

Fatima, "Hey Zac! Wassup?"

Zac, "Are you mad at me about something?"

Fatima, "Boy no! Why would you think that?"

Zac, "Idk maybe because you came in and didn't speak and then you walked right past me at the pool! Wassup T?"

Fatima, "Zac I'm just respecting your boundaries and definitely not trying to over step!"

Zac, "I hear you well I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I leave for the night!"

Fatima, "Yeah I'm good thanks for stopping by!"

Zac, "Of Course, any time! Goodnight!"

Fatima, "Goodnight!"

As Zac was leaving his Nana was walking in Fatima was so excited because she hasn't seen Mrs. Ella since the night of her accident!

Mrs. Ella, "Hey Pumpkin!"

Fatima hugged Mrs. Ella, "Hey Mrs. Ella! How have you been?"

Mrs. Ella, "I've been good! Hallelujah! I see you look in better spirits! I've been busy with the health center but I trust that my grandson has been taking good care of you!"

Fatima, "Yes he has!"

Mrs. Ella patted the chair, "Come here baby and have a seat!"

Fatima sat down beside her! Mrs. Ella started speaking, "My grandson is a great man! He does have a past and we all do but the good definitely over shadows the bad! I see the way y'all look at each other and I can tell that he likes you and you like him! Never be scared to try love again just because it didn't workout last time! God works in mysterious ways and he may have just supplied you with your husband! Do you hear me?"

Fatima, "Yes ma'am! I've known Zac was my husband for a little over 10 years now!"

Mrs. Ella, "10 years?"

Fatima, "Yes! Zac and I have known each other just that long!"

Mrs. Ella, "Wait I'm missing something!"

Fatima, "Yes ma'am! We were friends when he was in the streets and we were disconnected! He used to stay at our house some times!"

Mrs. Ella, "Ohh Now I remember! You're the lil girl he was chasing! What did he call you something with a B?"

Fatima, "Butterfly?"

Mrs. Ella, "Yeah that's it! You're the lil girl he was chasing?"

Fatima laughing, "That was me!"

Mrs. Ella, "He used to talk about you all the time! He just never said a name! It's nice to finally put a name to a face!"

Fatima, "Yes ma'am! I didn't know he talked about me though!"

Mrs. Ella, "Honey we couldn't get him to shut up about you! He almost drove us crazy! He loved you!"

Fatima, "Yeah he used to!" *dropping her head*

Mrs. Ella, "He still loves you baby! It's in his eyes and I'm pretty sure he's showed you just how much he loves you recently! Fatima you are an amazing woman and you are worthy of Love but first start by loving you!"

Fatima's phone started ringing and it was about one of her cases!

Gina, "Hello Fatima, are you able to meet me at the hospital?"

Fatima, "Sure, I can! Is everything alright?"

Gina, "I'll give you tomorrow off paid! We have a Gladys Johnson, 55 year old woman who has just given birth to a baby boy! She had drugs in her system! It is important that we find him a placement! I know this may be something that was not on a list of things you would want to do but I already know from watching you, that you're great fit to foster him and he still needs a name!"

Fatima, "Mrs. Gina, I'll be there shortly! You can give me all the details then!"

Fatima, "Mrs. Ella, I need to got to the hospital to handle a case! Can we resume this conversation later?"

Mrs. Ella, "Of course baby! I'll see you later!"

Mrs. Ella left and Fatima went to her room to get ready! She grabbed her keys and ran out the door! Zac seen her and was curious as to where she was going in a hurry so he followed her!

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