Fatima dropped the letter and dropped to the floor! She didn't say anything, she didn't even blink! Zac picked up the letter and the more he read the more pissed off he got! He placed the letter on the desk and sat down on the floor with Fatima! He sat behind her and pulled her closer to him! When she hit his chest she started screaming and bawling!
Zac, "Shhhhhhh T I got you!"
Fatima was hurting and Zac couldn't take her pain away! At first it appeared that she was crying because he was dead but in all actually she was hurt because he wouldn't be punished for the pain he inflicted on her!
Meech, "Zac I'll let you take care of her and you can call me later! Fatima I'm truly sorry" and with that he left!
Zac rubbed Fatima's back and let her sob! She needed to let it out! She has held it in for way too long her releasing will be good for her healing! Fatima sobbed for almost an hour and she was quiet Zac went to shift her but he realized she was sleep! He stood up and picked her up! He carried her and her things to her apartment and unlocked the door! He placed her in the bed and pulled her covers up! Zac placed her phone beside her and her things on her nightstand! He turned to leave and then Fatima grabbed his hand!
Fatima, "Zac please lay with me!"
Zac, "Fatima I can't, you're vulnerable and I love you too much to take advance of you! I'll never do that to you! What I can do is lay on top of the covers and hold you until you drift off to sleep! I'll check on you periodically throughout the night and make sure you're okay!"
Fatima, "Okay!"
Zac laid down beside Fatima and she backed up slightly into him! He cupped her head with his arm and Fatima started drifting off to sleep! She kept jumping and Zac rubbed her side! This soothed her and she drifted off to sleep! Zac kissed her forehead and got up! He decided to sleep on the chair just so she wouldn't be alone! He went down to his truck to get his bag and went to her bathroom to take a shower!
He finished his shower 35 minutes later and wrapped the towel around him while he did his nightly routine! Fatima had to pee, she walked into the bathroom and pulled her panties down sitting on the toilet! Zac walked out of the bathroom because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable! He got dressed and went to the couch! Fatima got in the shower and 45 minutes later she was finished and dressed! She walked in the kitchen to get a bottle of water and noticed Zac on the chair!
Fatima, "Zac why won't you just go to bed?"
Zac, "T I cannot sleep in the same bed with you! You're healing and that's fine but I'm not invading your space like that! Do you need me to hold you until you go back to sleep?"
Fatima, "If you don't mind!"
Zac, "Of course I don't mind!"
Zac stood up and followed Fatima to the room! She got under the covers and he sat on top and leaned against the head board! She turned around and laid her head on his lap and he patted her back and rubbed her head!
Fatima was at peace honestly! She never wanted Zac to leave but she also knew he was a man and not a lil boy pretending to be a man! He's showed her he values her more in two days than Ian ever had in 3 years! She's falling for him and she knows it's way too soon but he's protecting her and providing a safe space for her to be vulnerable and she's never had that! He's been so patient with her and he has no idea just how much it means to her!
Fatima was now sleeping and he laid her head against her pillow! He kissed her forehead and went back to the living room! Y'all Fatima was back up in the next 45 minutes!
Zac, "T we can't keep doing this!"
Fatima, "Who you telling? I have to be up and ready for work in 6 hours!"
Zac, "What do you need from me in order for you to rest peacefully?"
Fatima, "Please come lay with me!"
Zac, "T I'll make you some Tea and I'll be in there in a minute but I need you to take some melatonin because I'm tired too!"
Fatima took the melatonin and Zac brought her a warm cup of Tea! He sat beside her and rubbed her head! 10 minutes later she was sleep! Zac stayed an hour longer and then he went back to the chair! He answered some emails and closed his laptop playing it in his bag! He drunk him some warm Tea as well and washed both cups! He put the dishes away and laid back on the chair! He decided to say a prayer for Fatima!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I just want to thank you for Keeping Fatima! I pray that you replenish her spirit and show her that's she's always been enough! My prayer is that you guide her and show her you have your hands on her and you'll protect her every step of the way! God I ask that you give her peace that surpasses all understanding because I know you're the only one who can do it! In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN!20 minutes Later Zac was sleep!

From Product to Professional |COMPLETED|
RomanceThis story navigates through trauma, pain and recovery! Read More to Find out what unfolds for Zac and Fatima!