The trip was great, but it had finally come to an end. Everyone enjoyed their time away but now it was time to get back to the basics! They landed home around lunch time, and they were extremely tired! Fatima's parents agreed to keep Giovani a little while longer while they took a nap!
After their nap, Armias came over! Zac had originally invited him so they could address some things that were pushed under the rug by his mom but after having the conversation with him, he wanted to just express his feelings more in depth.
Zac, "Who is it?"
Armias, "It's me!"
Zac opened the door and invited his father in! Armias sat down on the couch and Zac sat next to him! Fatima had decided to go pick up Giovani because she wanted to give Zac the opportunity to talk to his father without her emotions getting in the way.
Zac, "The first thing I want to say is I am not mad at you! I just needed some form of clarification on what transpired because every action that took place despite what it was left me fatherless and damn near motherless! I understand the situation a little better now and I do realize that she left you no choice! I just wanted to know how or why you didn't come find me when I was of age?"
Armias, "There were a lot of demons I was battling within myself, and I make no excuses for y actions! I honestly wanted to come and see you so bad, but I figured you wouldn't want me around and I couldn't stand to leave broken hearted over this situation again! I know it sounds like an excuse, but I can promise you it's not!"
Zac, "You don't know exactly what would have taken place because you didn't try! I would have rathered you come back then than for you to show up as the uncle of my wife who she grew up having and loving only to find out you're the same man who left me to suffer at the hands of my mom! I understand it wasn't completely your fault and the situation became too messy, but it doesn't hurt any less!"
Armias, "Zac I understand exactly where you are coming from, and I beat myself up daily because I didn't remove you from that situation when I had the chance! I Loved you and Jeremiah more than anything in the world, but the accusations placed on me could have ruined my life forever and again this is not an excuse, and I am well aware that I need to take some accountability for the position I left you in, but me and your mom were not good together! We weren't good for each other and as hard as I fought to be there for you and your brother my lifestyle back then was no place for a child to grow up in! I did however reach out to your grandma, and she stepped in to fight for you on my behalf! My decisions may not have been right in that moment, but my intentions were pure, and you needed something other than the drug life to look up too!"
Zac, "What's so crazy about that is I admired you so much to the point to where that lifestyle became all I knew! I hustled my ass off! I did time! I sold drugs and stayed out in the streets late nights because I was hoping one day I would run into you! One day I would be able to look the man that help create me in the eyes and tell him that I needed him way more than I could have ever imagined!"
Armias, "I needed you too son! Life happened and shit hit the fan fast asf! I tried everything I could to make it back to you! Knowing that your mom moved you continuously, and then pinned all those lies on me tore me up on the inside! That's why when word got back to me about what she was doing, I had to get you out of there! Your grandma was the closest person I knew and honestly you needed her to be your hero in that moment not me! I was already in deep shit with the feds anyways and when that RICO case came, I couldn't help but to thank God you weren't with me because there's no telling where you would've been! I know I wasn't there and saying I'm sorry over and over and over again is redundant, but I need you to know that wherever this relationship goes from here I will accept it because I caused you the same amount of pain Gladys did if not more and I can't do shit about it! In this moment, I see this as another opportunity to get it right and whether it be now, in heaven, or hell I know the Lord will allow me to make amends and eventually mend your broken heart!"
Zac was now in full blown tears! More so choked up because everything in him was telling him to forgive his father and allow him to be apart of his life! Be bitter was something he didn't want to dwell in anymore! Now he knows the truth and it's up to him to decide how to move forward and let it go!
Zac, "The only way for you to amend this is to love the best version of me! I am not the same scared little boy I was then! Now I am a man! I have a career and more importantly a family! I don't want you around if you'll leave again!"
Armias, "If you'll let me son, I'm here to stay!"
Armias and Zac embraced!

From Product to Professional |COMPLETED|
RomanceThis story navigates through trauma, pain and recovery! Read More to Find out what unfolds for Zac and Fatima!