Back to Work!

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The next morning Fatima was awaken to a call from her Dad!

Phone Call

Fatima, "Hello!"

Marcus, "Hey Booga Baby!"

Fatima sat up, "Hey Daddy!"

Marcus, "How are you?"

Fatima, "I'm okay Daddy! How are you?"

Marcus, "I'm good baby! WE ARE FREE!"

Fatima, "Free?"

Marcus, "Yes Baby, We got out this morning! We have decided to move to Atlanta to be closer to our girls! We will be out there the weekend! We seen some great houses and you know me and your uncles got our business license while incarcerated! We are all looking into different business ventures!"

Fatima, "Daddy that's great! There's a lot I have to tell you!"

Marcus, "Well there's something I need to tell you too but it can wait until I see you!"

Fatima, "Well I need to tell you that you are a grandfather!"

Marcus, "Fatima don't tell me you had a baby by that nigga Ian!"

Fatima, "No daddy I didn't! I am fostering a baby and hopefully soon he will be adopted!"

Marcus, "Booga that's dope! I can't wait to meet him! I'm out running errands for your mom but I'll call you later! I love you!"

Fatima, "Alright Daddy! I love you too!"

Fatima got up and checked on Giovani! She seen him in Zac's arms and he was reading to him! She smiled and crept back out, going to shower and get dressed! As much as she didn't want to leave Giovani, she had to go back to work! She would only be working until 12 in the office and doing the rest of her work at home! She took a 30 minute shower and it took her 15 minutes to get dressed!

Fatima got up and checked on Giovani! She seen him in Zac's arms and he was reading to him! She smiled and crept back out, going to shower and get dressed! As much as she didn't want to leave Giovani, she had to go back to work! She would only be ...

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She finished her hygiene and grabbed her brief case before walking into the nursery! Zac looked up star struck like a mf!

Fatima cleared her throat, "I am going to work! I'll be back around 12! If you need something just text or call me!" She walked up to Zac and kissed his forehead before kissing Giovani on his jawline!

Zac, "Have a great day at work T!"

Fatima, "I will and both of you behave!"

Fatima left out the house and headed for work! She arrived to work 15 minutes early and she went straight to her office! She still needed to file some paperwork into Giovani's file and place him into the system! She decided to do this first because it would take the least amount of time! She also needed to go back to the hospital to see Gladys because she was her case manager! These were the only two things she had on her schedule today besides an evaluation she needed to do in the daycare of the center! She finished inputting Giovani's information and there was a knock on the door!

Fatima, "Come in!"

Gina, "Good Morning Fatima, How is that handsome baby?"

Fatima, "He's fine! He's actually with his brother at the moment! How's his mom?"

Gina, "Well she attacked two nurses and a doctor last night so they had to admitted for a psych eval! She's also coming down off of whatever drugs she was taking so she's hell on wheels at the moment!"

Fatima, "Well can they sedate her or something because I have an eval with her today at 11!"

Gina, "The last time I checked, they had already administered medication to her and she was alert and calm! Idk her current state but I can definitely check for you!"

Fatima, "Well thank you because I'll hate to have to wrestle with her today!"

Gina, "Yeah neither one of us wants that! I'll give the hospital a call and then I'll call you back to inform you of her current mental state!"

Fatima, "Thank You Gina!"

Fatima finished her paperwork and texted Zac! Zac told her that Giovani was fine and he was getting ready to put him down for a nap and he was going to sleep as well! She told him she would bring home some take out and that she was getting ready to head to the hospital to see his mom. This worried Zac because his mom could be very combative! So he decided to call Fatima!

Phone Call

Fatima, "Hey Zac is everything okay?"

Zac, "Oh yeah it's fine! I just didn't know you were going to see Gladys today!"

Fatima, "Yes! I am her case manager!"

Zac, "Fatima you know she can be very abusive! I don't need anything happening to you!"

Fatima, "Zac I am and I will be fine! I do know she had an episode last night and attacked 3 nurses and a doctor but she's been sedated so everything should be fine!"

Zac, "She did what? Oh yeah, you're definitely not going now!"

Fatima, "Zac this is my job! I am sure I'll come across all types of things and even if I am uncomfortable this is the profession that I chose! It's in me not on me! I'll be just fine! Now I have to go, kiss my sweet baby and I'll see you when I get home!" and with that she hung up!

Fatima made her way to the daycare to do an evaluation on a sweet child named Jonah! She started off her eval by watching how Jonah interacted with his peers and teachers! Once she documented those anecdotal notes she decided to do a small group, One on one interaction with him using the dinosaurs he was playing with! She noted all she observed during this interaction and made copies of the data before placing it into Jana's box outside her office! She checked the time and grabbed her things to head to the hospital!

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