Blessed/ Cursed

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Fatima made it to the hospital in 25 minutes! She parked and hopped out running in! Zac parked in a parking spot not far from hers but stayed in the car! He was curious as to why she would be at a hospital this time of tonight! As he was caught in his thoughts he seen his brother Jeremiah laid out across the bench beside the entrance!

Zac, "Man wtf is he doing here?"

Zac got out of his truck and walked up! He tapped Jeremiah on the shoulder and he didn't budge so he pushed him and Jeremiah flung up, "HU-YAHHH"!

Zac laughing, "Nigga you still think you a damn NINJA HUH?"

Jeremiah, "Nigga I'll whoop your ass!"

Zac, "I'll like to see your high ass try!"

Jeremiah swing but turned around in a circle before hitting the ground! Zac went to help him up but he refused the help!

Jeremiah, "Nigga I got it! You think you tough shit now that you knocked me on my ass!"

Zac, "Nigga I never touched you! I see you're still lying your ass off huh?"

Jeremiah, "Nigga I never lie!"

Zac, "Since you never lie, what day is it NIGGA?"


Zac, "Exactly you high asf!"

Jeremiah, "Member? You Member Nana used to make us sang that in Church!"

Zac, "Yeah I Remember but where's your mama at?"

Jeremiah, "Oh she in there! They won't let me in!"

Zac, "I wonder why! Do you know why she in there?"

Jeremiah, "Nah I just walked up here wit her!" *Falling back on the bench*

Zac, "Pathetic"!

Zac walked into the Hospital and asked for his mom! The nurse told him to wait one moment and she would take him up to the maternity ward! Zac was confused but didn't ask any further questions!

Meanwhile Fatima just finished signing all the papers for the baby and she's trying to think of the proper name!

Gina, "Names can be really hard! They're also symbolic!"

Fatima, "I know but I think I have the perfect name! Whose last name will he have?"

Gina, "Mom gave up her rights so he'll have yours!"

Fatima, "I'll name him "Giovani" which means God is gracious and "Amir" which means Prosperous!"

Gina, "I like that! You can meet him but first let's go see his mom!"

Fatima and Gina walked to Gladys room at the same time her and Zac were talking!

Gladys, "Ayy Nigga let me hold some money!"

Zac, "You're asking as if you'll really pay me back!"

Gladys, "Zachary Luther Taylor, I brought your ass into this world and I'll take you out if you don't give me what's rightfully mine!"

Zac, "Rightfully yours? Gladys you haven't did shit for me my entire life! Now you want my money be fucking Fr!"

Gladys threw her call light at Zac's head! Zac ducked but it still hit his ear!

Zac, "That's why you won't get a damn thing from me!"

Gina and Fatima walked into the room!

Gladys, "And who are you light skinned bitches?"

Zac, "Fatima what are you doing here?"

Gina, "I am Gina Andrews! This is Fatima Wilson! She's your social worker and she will also be fostering your son!"

Zac, "Son?"


Zac, "Yo Ma Fr?" *tears streaming*

Fatima, "Ma?" *rubbing Zac's shoulder*

Gladys, "So you must be the bougie bitch that has my son keeping his money away from me?"

Zac, "Yoo Ma Chile out on that B word! Fatima has never been a bitch!"

Gladys, "Zac look in the mirror! What would a woman like that want with a BOTTOM OF THE BARREL NIGGA LIKE YOU! The thought of you makes me sick! You ain't shit just like whoever your daddy is and you'll never be shit! NOW GIVE ME SOME MONEY NIGGA!"

Zac, "I'm not giving you anything!"

Gladys flew up outta bed and started attacking Zac! Gina pushed the call button and tried to pull her back while Fatima stood in front of him to shield him! Gladys hit her several times but she didn't care as long as Zac wasn't physically getting harmed! The nurses came in and gave Gladys a sedative! Zac was on the floor crying and Fatima held him!

After 30 minutes Zac was calm and it was time for Fatima to sign the birth certificate for the baby, she looked over at Zac, "I'm fostering your baby brother! I know it may be a lot right now but I would love it if you would give him your last name, since you are relatives!"

Zac nodded in agreement! He always knew Fatima was selfless but to see her tonight showed him how flawless she was with little to no efforts! She helped him up and they signed the paperwork together! The Doctor Examined her and Zac! Fatima had some bruising to the back and Zac had a busted lip and some bruising on his arm! They were cleaned up and it was time to meet the baby! Fatima looked at Zac and she grabbed his hands, "Can I Pray for you?" Zac nodded and Fatima started Praying!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you as humble as I know how asking you to heal Zac where he is broken! Allow him to see all his potential through your eyes and show him that everything is done according to your will! Help him to prosper and be blessed with a mighty abundance sent straight down from heaven! Keep him in your arms and protect him from harm! In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

Zac, "Amen!"

Fatima lead Zac to the nursery and they spotted his baby brother! Fatima bathed him and got him dressed!

Fatima lead Zac to the nursery and they spotted his baby brother! Fatima bathed him and got him dressed!

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                "GIOVANI AMIR TAYLOR"

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