Cater to You!

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The women woke up from their naps around 8:00 they went upstairs to feed and bathe the baby and then they showered as well! They came back downstairs and the men were still sleeping so they decided to cook!

Fatima, "They really are tired huh?"

Jana, "Yes they are!"

Angela, "They need to rest anyways!"

Lori, "Let's cover them up!"

They placed blankets on the men and then went into the kitchen to wash their hands and started cooking! They decided to make loaded Chicken Alfredo with broccoli, bacon, shrimp, mushrooms, and crab meat with some sweet corn on the cob and some homemade cheesy garlic bread with some freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade! Everyone started cooking and they poured some wine for themselves!

Fatima, "Girls I have been thinking about doing a community outreach center for children!"

Jana, "Now that's a great idea!"

Lori, "It really is! So what's the plan?"

Fatima, "I want to be able to provide services for children who have been impacted by any form of trauma or who need behavior modification management!"

Angela, "Well T let's do it, when Jake wakes up we can ask him about some good properties to make it happen!"

Fatima, "Yes and maybe we can do it for girls because I know Zac and they guys have one for boys!"

Jana, "Yes that'll be great! They really do need some kind of guidance and I do believe we are the ones to give it to them!"

Lori, "Well T you know we are all in!"

Angela, "Yeah girl! We got you!"

The women continued to drink and talk and then they noticed the men were stirring in their sleep so they knew, they would be up soon because they were no longer lying on them! Lori placed the bread she made into the oven and set the timer! Jana finished making the lemonade! Fatima had already made the toppings for the pasta and Angela was finishing the sauce! They mixed everything together and topped it with Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese! The men spring up like clockwork at 9:30! They watched them go upstairs! They didn't know if they had to pee, were looking for them or checking on Giovani! They came back downstairs 10 minutes later and embraced the women tight!

The Women, "Did y'all miss us or something?"

The Men, "You have no idea! We definitely missed the body heat!"

They started laughing!

Fatima, "Jake I wanted to know if you got a moment could you show us some properties please!"

Jake, "Uhh Yeah sure!"

Zac, "Fatima you tryna move away from me?"

Fatima, "No Zac! We are looking for commercial properties not rental!"

Angela, "T Zac said you ain't going nowhere!"

Lori, "Right!"

Jana, "He was scared for a minute!"

Everyone started laughing!

Tony, "What are y'all planning on doing with the building?"

Lori, "A community outreach center for girls!"

Meech, "Word?"

Jana, "Yes baby!"

Zac, "Well that's perfect because we already have a building! We own it! We wanted to open a center for girls but in this community parents are more receptive with women being around! Y'all can have the building and name it whatever you feel! I got the keys and paperwork at my house! It's up to code, they're just finishing some things and it's all yours!"

Fatima hugged Zac, "Thank you baby!" They haven't been moving fast at all but she wanted so badly to kiss him and he wanted to return the favor! She went to peck his lips but that peck turned into a full blown make out session that ended up with her sitting on the counter!

Jana, "Did y'all forget we are still here?"

Zac grabbed Fatima off the counter and she wrapped her legs around him, "Um girl! You have no idea!"

Fatima whispering in his ear, "One day you'll show me!" Zac grabbed her ass and bit his lip! He placed her back on the floor and they started fixing plates!

Zac, Umm this smells good!"

Angela, "Trust it is!"

Jake, "What did y'all make?"

Lori, "Loaded Chicken Alfredo, sweet corn, homemade cheesy garlic bread, and some homemade strawberry lemonade!"

Tony, "Umm a meal fit for a king!"

Jana, "That's all we see around here!"

Meech, "You better know it! What's a king without a room full of queens?"

The Women, "You better know it!"

Everyone started laughing and then they sat down to eat! The men said the prayer!

Meech, "So y'all work, cook, clean, nurture, and pray! What else do y'all do that we don't know about?"

Fatima, "We're a jack of all trades plus I don't know any women who don't do those things!"

Zac, "Well we know a few!"

Angela, "Who?"

Jake, "Pamela James!"

Tony, "Belinda Mitchell!"

Meech, "Joi Thomas!"

Zac, "Karen Mott!"

Jana laughing, "And who are these women!"

The Men, "Our EXES!"

Lori, "Well looks like they're an ex for a reason cause trust and believe your next can do almost anything!"

Angela, "How long were y'all with these women anyways?"

Tony, "3 long ass years of misery!"

Zac, "All their asses did was cheat!"

Fatima, "Damn so basically y'all starved, gave them y'all money, were never covered in prayer, and got cheated on for 3 years!"

Jake, "Yep and the pussy was mediocre!"

Jana, "Damn they couldn't fuck worth a shit either! That's wild asf! Well trust me when I say we can handle all of y'all needs externally and internally!"

The women high fived each other, "RIGHT!"

They finished talking and eating and then the men helped the women clean up before going to take their showers! They had decided to spend the night because it was late asf! Fatima had extra rooms up and down stairs plus Zac lived right next door if they didn't have the space! When they got out the shower everyone said Goodnight and went to bed!

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