A couple hours had past and Zac and Armias had spent some time catching up! Fatima walked in with Giovani and took him straight upstairs because he was sleeping! She came back downstairs and sat beside Zac!
Zac, "Woman you know exactly where I need you at!"
She chuckled and slid on top of him, "How was your conversation with your dad?"
Zac, "It was good! We came to a mutual understanding and got a lot off our chests plus we were able to catch up!"
Fatima, "Well that's good baby! You needed that so will he be around for a while?"
Zac, "I got a good feeling about it this time around! I feel like he'll be here for years to come and honestly, that's all I've ever wanted! When we talked, he made me feel loved and appreciated by at least one of my parents and he kept telling me how proud of me he was, and that meant the world to me!"
Fatima, "Well I see y'all did a lot of talking and based on that smile, you loved the results of the conversation which is good! All you can do is give it a try baby and the fact that you took the initiative to speak with him shows a lot! It's all going to work out in your favor!"
Zac, "It feels good to hear you say that because it means that you believe in me baby!"
Fatima, "Of course I do baby! You've got this! We are going to be great, continue expanding our family and enjoy our success!"
Zac, "We got this baby but we need to talk about that nightmare!"
Fatima took a deep breath, "I asked God to heal me from all the pain Ian inflicted on me! Right after I asked, I fell asleep! My dream took me through 4 phases, Sorrow,Pain, Grief, and Submission! Submission was the last phase for me! It may have seemed like I was a servant but it was a part of my submission! It scared the hell out of me but honestly, I shouldn't have been scared because I asked for it! It just felt so real! I went through everything again by dream except, I seen his hands on me! In that moment I was grateful because I realized it could've been worse, way worse but God kept me, so I wouldn't let go!"
Zac, "I'm not gone lie, you had me shook! I can definitely understand because it was your method of healing just like mending my relationship with my father was mine! We ran for so long and then God got us exactly where he wanted us to be!"
Fatima, "You're right about that but I always had dreams, I just never finished but when I did, it felt like God said Well Done! I needed that, I feel better, I'm able to rejoice about the outcome instead of crying about the circumstances! I thanked him for you, my family, and Giovani because being in that situation anything could've happened to me but I'm alive, well and I still have strength to fight another day! There are a lot of women who were like me, who never lived to rejoice in their glory! I'm here and I'll never stop fighting for women who can't fight for themselves!"
Zac kissed Fatima's forehead because he felt that's what she needed in the moment and she cupped her head in the bend of his neck! She started singing, "It feels so good to make it this far
And I didn't think I could take it so long
There were days I wanted to quit
I said surely this is it but I held on
And I watched as so called friends turn and walk away
It hurt so much I didn't have words to say
But even when my day turns to night and nothin' seems just right
Lord, I thank You for, for my life
For my life, Lord, I thank You
For every victory in You I've seen
And all the moments I know it was You who kept me
So I thank You for, for my life!"Zac started crying because he has always loved this song, but he loves it more now because Fatima was singing it! Her voice was angelic and a sweet melody to his ears! She was go engrossed in singing that she started to speak life into him! She embraced him tighter and he held her waist! They both were feeling much better about their progress and knew deep down God had them exactly where he wanted them to be! Healing together in the beginning was a bad idea but they still managed to grow together and soar past all obstacles! The battles they faced were a testament to their testimony! Yeah, they may have cried and fought hard to get where they are today but the progress they made, displayed their resilience through it all! Tomorrow will start a new day with many blessing and thankful, grateful, appreciative, and proud were all adjectives to describe the amount of bliss forming inside of them!
Zac, "We used to be defined as PRODUCTS of our past, pain, and triumphs! The Odds were stacked against us but God had the final say!"
Fatima, "Now we are PROFESSIONALS, with grace, values, and morals! Proud to live another day knowing that we didn't allow our past to get in the way!"

From Product to Professional |COMPLETED|
RomanceThis story navigates through trauma, pain and recovery! Read More to Find out what unfolds for Zac and Fatima!