Hey Y'all I'm Fatima Wilson, A Philly girl born and raised but I've moved all over the U. S running from the trauma of my Father's past! He's currently doing time for drugs with my uncles but they're up for parole soon so we will see how that goes!
I'm currently a Licensed Social Worker, I love what I do but my current situation is making it so hard! Ian hit me last night for the 1500th time! I was a couple minutes late starting dinner because I just wasn't feeling good! He didn't care! He hit me in the chest so hard he knocked the wind out of me! I couldn't breathe for a good 5 minutes! He told me if it happens again he would kill me!
I've been sitting in this house for months looking at the same 4 walls and taking the same abusive bullshit! Some days I don't even know exactly who Fatima is! I miss the old me! I was so lively! I also Miss Mr. Sexy Thug himself! Zachary Taylor! I used to always think that man would be my husband! My Father just had to go and scare the shit out of my mama, so she packed us up and brought us to Philly! I didn't want to leave Zac but I didn't have a choice!
Since My mom left my aunts did the same and took me and my cousins Jana, Lori, and Angela away from our men! That damn universe was definitely not in our favor! Here I am now, 28 years old getting my ass whooped daily and I haven't talked to anyone in weeks because Ian broke my phone and he refuses to let me leave! I'm so tired! I need to break free! I know my girls miss me but after Ian fucked my face up, he upped and moved us to Atlanta so now no one knows exactly where I am! I heard through the grapevine that Lori, Angela, and Jana moved here looking for me God I hope they find me soon!
I am continuing to fight but idk for how much longer! My cousins are counselors, and very successful! Jana is a Mental Health Counselor, Lori is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Angela is a Psychologist! I love those women so much and I know that if they were here I would've been away from Ian's ass! He acts like a true narcissist! First he isolated me, then beat me, and now he's taken almost everything I have except a picture of Zac that I keep hidden in my wallet! I just wish he knew where I was, I know he would come save me from Ian and Myself! Most days I feel crazy asf sitting up in here talking to myself! Ian has started to trade me for sexual favors and as much as I fight it never goes well for me!
I came running out the room because I knew for a fact that I had washed the dishes! Apparently he had just drunk out of a glass and placed it in there! That pissed me off because there was nothing in the sink!
"Ian you just placed that dish in there! If you want it cleaned you do it!"
Y'all I was so tired of fighting with him! I got balls today and even if he kills me I'm not going down without a fight!
He turned me around and started raping me! I screamed but it seemed like no one could hear me! I started bleeding and I didn't know why! When he turned around I took the taser I had found under the bed and tased him in the balls! I ran next door bamming on the door!
A sweet older lady opened!
"Ma'am can you please help me! My boyfriend is abusing me and he just raped me I really need help!"
Ella, "CURTIS!!!"
Curtis, "What baby?"
Ella, "Call 9-1-1 and tell them we have a domestic violence situation and we need an ambulance!"
Mr. Curtis did as told and soon the neighborhood was swarming with blue, red, and white lights! I seen the police pull Ian out the house and he kept yelling at me, "I'LL SEE YOU REAL SOON FATIMA! DON'T FORGET WHO YOU BELONG TO!"
All I could do was cry in Mrs. Ella's arms! She rode with me to the hospital and held my hand the whole time! When I arrived they performed all kits and cleaned me up! The doctor informed me that I was pregnant but lost the baby! I was devastated! Mrs. Ella went to the health center to grab me something to wear and when she came back she helped me clean myself up! As we were coming out the bathroom, I seen Zac standing there but I knew he didn't recognize me but damn he was fine!
Ella, "Hey Baby! This young lady needs shelter!"
She turned around to look at me, "Baby this is my Grandson and he owns a shelter for women! He will take good care of you!"
Zac grabbed my hand and I felt the electricity between us and from the way he was looking he felt it too! He helped me to his truck and took me to the shelter! The inside of the shelter was just like a One bedroom apartment I had clothes, shoes, food in the refrigerator, and a bed! I showered and placed my night clothes on before getting in the bed!
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