Phase 1: Fatima

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Fatima's breathing calmed and when she was relaxed Zac turned on the lights! Her eyes were swollen from crying and she looked exhausted!

Zac, "T I need you to know that this is necessary! Every time you choose to disclose anything related to your past life with Ian you're going to feel just like this! If you notice I kept my touching to a minimum! Your guard was up and it was fight or flight! You could've easily mistaken me for Ian and we both didn't want that! You did good! You also didn't stop or ask for a break and this is good! This means you're actually receptive to healing on your own accord! We can stop here unless you have more to say!"

Fatima looked at Zac with tear stained cheeks, "I want to keep going!"

Zac nodded his head and flipped the lights back off, "We will call this Phase 1/2, in this phase I need you to tell me exactly what and how you felt from beginning to end during this encounter go deep and be transparent! Remember to breathe and I'm right here with you!"

Fatima closed her eyes and started to speak, "I felt like I did nothing wrong to deserve what he did to me! I was late coming home but it didn't give him the right to treat me the way that he did! When he slapped me, I felt like he didn't value my face! I felt I wasn't pretty enough and he wanted to ruin the image of me in the eyes of others! When he grabbed my neck, I felt like he wanted to break the one thing that actually supported my body! When he kicked me, I felt like he seen me as a ball, something he can push around, kick, squeeze and discard to buy another one! When he placed his boot in my chest, I felt like he wanted me breathless! He wanted to see me beg for air! He wanted to cripple me! When he poured the soup down my back, I felt like he seen my strength and wanted to really make me weak! When he demanded that I cook, clean, and have sex with him I felt like a slave! I felt like I needed to start asking for his permission before doing things! He had me exactly where he wanted me! When he pulled me by my hair, I felt like he wanted to have all the power! Basically he was trying to show me that he was the head and I was the tail! I was easily broken! I felt like I could've fought more had he not weakened my character! In that moment I forgot who Fatima Channing Wilson was!"

Zac, "Now can you forgive Ian for this event?"

Fatima thought for a moment and responded, "Yes because he didn't break me! I was still standing!"

Zac, "Good Now do you feel this is a memory you can suppress?"

Fatima, "I can forgive but I'll never forget! I can remove all negativity from this situation though!"

Zac, "Since you're moving all negativity tell me all the positive you'll take from this situation!"

Fatima, "My strength was shown through my endurance! I pulled myself back up and kept going!"

Zac, "That's great! Now if you could say one thing to Fatima back then what would you tell her?"

Fatima, "You're stronger than he gave your credit for!"

Zac, "Now open your eyes and hug yourself!"

Fatima gave herself a big hug and she actually felt better! She had accomplished a major milestone for herself but she felt even better when Zac handed her, her certificate!

Fatima gave herself a big hug and she actually felt better! She had accomplished a major milestone for herself but she felt even better when Zac handed her, her certificate!

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Zac, "You deserve this!"

Fatima started crying, "OMG Zac! You didn't have to do this!"

Zac, "Yes I did T! You completed your first Phase! You should be proud of yourself!"

Fatima, "I am it's just something I never thought I would be able to talk about but you allowed me to open up!"

Zac, "I'm a trauma counselor! It's a major part of my job!"

Fatima, "So who helps you get through your trauma?"

Zac, "I had to lean on myself and the bruhs for some of it but as you can tell from my last encounter with My mom I'm not completely over it!"

Fatima, "Would you consider talking to me?"

Zac, "I mean yeah, I don't mind!"

Fatima, "Well I'm going to bathe and feed Giovani and then we can talk!"

Zac, "Well I'm kinda hungry so I can cook! How does Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans and Yeast Rolls Sound?"

Fatima, "Like I'm dreaming!"

Zac started laughing, "Well I'll go cook and I'll meet you downstairs!"

Fatima went to get out Giovani clothes and got his bath prepared! She picked him up from his crib and undressed him before placing his dirty clothes in his hamper! His bath took 10 minutes and his feeding took 5! Let's just say he's a greedy baby!

She burped him and decided to go shower! She took 45 minutes before sliding into her maxi dress!

She walked downstairs and seen Zac hard at work! He smelled her before he seen her and he turned around!

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She walked downstairs and seen Zac hard at work! He smelled her before he seen her and he turned around!

Fatima, "Well something smells good!"

Zac was drooling, "You look good!"

Fatima, "Well thank you!"

Zac, "Giovani went right back to sleep?"

Fatima, "Yeah he did! That boy is greedy! I thought he was going to need another 2 oz!"

Zac, "Yeah he's going to be big and strong just like his big brother!"

Fatima bit her lip, "Umhm just like him!"

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