Chapter 2: Zain

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Me and Erebus got through the portal, and hell, this place looks like a castle. I mean, with the way the windows are like and the way that the doors are set like. It's like I've gone back in time.

"I like this." I tell Erebus.

"Follow." He says.

Wow, any colder and sharper, and my balls will shiver up like an old prune and cut.

We walk through a corridor and out through big doors. Like in Harry Potter.

"Where're we going?" I asked.

He just keeps walking, and we get to some sort of courtyard, and hell, the place is big. I don't know if there's anyone around or if they're just out and about. But for a castle, they gotta have servents somewhere.

"Erebus, will you talk!" I say.



Erebus stopped walking, and I stopped a few feet behind.

"We are here." He says coldly.

Why is he like this with me? He didn't like it with Nikki. Unless I don't like it with Nikki because she kept Nyx safe.

"And where is here?" I asked. "I mean, all I see is ramparts everywhere. I guess you have servants as this is a castle, and they're probably out doin whatever the fuck they're doing, and then there's us out in the courtyard. Why?"

"To train you."

This man has an attitude if he's training me when he's cold with me.

"What do you think will happen if you don't?" I asked.

"Death. Death to you and your girl." He says. So quit with the chatter and get into your stance." He says.

I unsheath my sword, and my palm of my left hand is facing away from me, and the palm of my right hand is facing my cheek.


I lept forward, and I had slashed downward where Erebus was. He had moved in a blink of an eye. He's now behind me and he back hands. I go flying into the wall, causing a crack and a dent in the wall.

"You're letting your anger get the better of you." He says, like he's done all this before. "Let that anger go."

"I can't I-" I get interrupted.

"Either you can't, or you won't control your anger. Which one?"

"I... won't it-" I get interrupted again.

"I don't care if it's what kept you alive, but it's time to let go of what's keeping you back."

"The thing that's keeping me back?"

"Yes, your anger."

I quickly ran at Erebus, and I had done quick and effective furry attacks, but he dodged it all, and he had dodged to the side and jawed me.

"What? Did I hit a nerve?" He asked.

"Fuck you!"

Erebus ran at me and punched jaw which made a cracking sound upon contact.

"Fucking hypocrite!" I say pissed off.

"I have my anger under control." He says. But now he says that it's making sense. He's training me on my anger first. Why did I not see it? "If I had let my anger get the better of me, you'll be dead before now."

"You have your anger under control?!" If that's under control, then I'll have no way in beating his ass.

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