Chapter 8: Zain

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I became worried as I hadn't heard from Nikki for almost a week. I begin to pace up and down the darkened room.

"Somethings wrong." I say, holding my stomach unknowingly Nikki had been injured there.

"Why?" Erebus asks coldly. But not as cold as he usually has it. "What makes you say that?"

"I taste blood, and I keep having this pain in my stomach." I reply back.

"Nikki's injured. You taste blood, and your stomach keeps paining. You're feeling her pain."

I stand there looking at the floor, and tears form I my eyes. Before I "died," I was never an emotional wreck. Now I am. I cried when I saw Nikki cry when she was missing me. I cried that I won't have anything time with her when we couldn't see each other. I even cried just out of the blue. I stand up, and I walk out the door, and I walk down the spiralled staircase, feel like for all eternity when going down, and I get to the courtyard.

2 hours later:

There was a black cloud, and a woman came through. She has long black hair with grey eyes like they were clouded with so many problems. with a spear and shield. She was in golden armour with a red cloak.

"What's your name?" She calls out with a soft tone.

"Me?" I reply. "Names Zain, why?"

"Is your whor-"

I ran at her, holding a blade to her throat. "Finish that sentence! I dare you!"

She smiles and tries to lean in to kiss. I push her away.

"Who are you?"

"Athena. You're cute."

My eyes widen. "I don't let no one call me cute except my girlfriend."

"I did. What are you going to do?"

I laugh, and I run inhumanly towards her, and she grabs me around my throat, and my legs kick out in front by the speed I had.

"You must be the boyfriend of that whore, Nikki, aren't you?"

If looks could kill she would've been tortured fourty times over.

"I'll take that as a yes."

She pulls me closer, and she kisses me and puts her tongue in my mouth. I bite down, and a part of her tongue came off, and blood spurting. I give her a right-hook, and I flick my wrist back, and I plunge my blade into her throat. She just laughs as she, herself, deepens the blade into herself.

"Athena, he's already taken. You don't want to be pissing off his girl." Says a familiar deep voice.


She looked at Erebus with those grey eyes, but this time, they seemed empty.

"I don't care if you want me. You'll never have me. She's the only one who will have my love." He says calmly. Calm as a dove.

"Your love is forbidden!"

"Do I care about that?" Erebus hands me a blade with Osedian, but it has silver and gold on it. "Kill her." He whispers.

I run inhumanly back inside to confuse Athena. I hear a loud bang, and I look behind, and I see a black mushroom like cloud. I turn left, and I see Erebus extending his left hand black dagger-like air particles that had increased in size.

He can manipulate elements?

He closes his fist, and all the black dahger-like air particles have been thrown towards Athena. She brings her shield out in front and blocks the air.

"You can't win against me, Athena!"

"But you'll know I'll try!"

As when the particles had dispersed, she uncovers herself from her shield and stands up straight. Erebus puts his hand behind his back and forms one more back dagger-like air particles, which was double the size of the previous particles. He quickly swipes his hand left and lets go of the particle to his side, but he is able to control which way the particle is going. He uses his other hand to tell me to move.

How did he know I was here?

I run inhumanly behind Athena, and I plunge the coated silver and gold Osedian blade into her lower-back. She screams out in pain, and her skin starts to peel apart.

"Tell, Nyx, she's dead. Tell her to tell Nikki... please?" I ask him panting. "I feel old, and I'm only 28!"

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