Chapter 11: Nikki

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"Or what? You're tied like a dog tied to a fence with airsoft BBs being shot it!"

Nyx was able to untie the restraints on her wrist and faked being tied.

"Hey, asswipe!"

He walks to Nyx, and he's in her face just inches away.

"Who the fuck you calling "asswipe"?"

"You. I got a secret for you!"

"What's that?"

"Never mess with a goddess." She says so calmly.

In one swift movement, Nyx kicked the blokes legs from under him and kept punching him until he had no more teeth. Even then, she still went on for more. I tensed my wrists and the bounds that tied me broke. I ran at one and drank his blood.

"You should've staked me! Fucking amateurs!" I spat.

I ran at a second and ripped the heart out. Nyx threw a knife at one, and it went flying into another's chest. Nyx inhumanly ran at one ripped one person from limb to limb. There were three left, and we ran at one of ours, and I ripped the head off, and the other, I dug my teeth into his neck, and Nyx had ripped his legs off.

"Fuck me!" I say panting.

"Who were they, and how did they get in?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. They died, didn't they?"

"That's true."

Nyx went to one and placed her hand upon the corpses head.

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