Chapter 10: Zain

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"There's something that happened." Says Erebus.

"A good thing or a bad thing?" I asked.

I was kneeling, and there was like some sort of gargoyle behind Erebus. But the feeling it was giving me was the type of vibe that anyone would run away from. Then again, I'm with the God of Darkness.

"Zain, keep your guard up -" He ran at me, and I had a 5 second window to dodge or block.

He goes in with a stomp onto my knee, but I had just dodged just narrowly. I look at him with a smug looking smile. I kick Erebus' feet from underneath his feet. I fell on his back, and I "plunge" my blade into his abdomen.

"You're in the place I wanted you!"

Erebus gets a hold on my arm and snaps it, causing a compound fracture and giving it a nice and satisfying crack. I scream out in pain.


"I win." He says calmly. "Heal that, you'll need it."

"Thanks." I say coldly.

I get my arm as straight as possible, and I force my bone back into my arm. The bone went back in with the blood squelching.

"Erebus... there's something going on with Nikki and Nyx!"


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