Chapter 21: Nikki

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"There's an Ida weapon buried underneath this." I say to Nyx. "Help me lift it up."

"What?" She asks, coming out of a meditative silence. "The whole building? Lift it up?"

"Let's lift it up together." I say, walking out the compound.

I extend my hands out front, and I try and lift up the compound. The more I tried to lift, the more gravity fought back.

"Nyx... help... please?" I say straining.

Nyx goes round the back and lifts from that side. I strained, and Nyx was standing there like this was almost like a piece of cake. We lifted, causing the ground to shake. Worser than an earthquake would've made it.
There was a black-purple glint with a low hum. I extend my hand out, and the weapon comes flying to my hand. The weapon came to my hand, and it was a staff. The staff looked like there was supposed to be a gem at the top of the staff. It looks like if there was a gem, it would make the staff more powerful. Power surged through my viens, and I felt my blood rush faster.

"You can move now." I tell Nyx.

She moves out the way, and I gently lower the compound back down. She must have sensed something change within me, but for the good.
I walk back into the compound, and I go straight to my room. I let go of the staff, and it seems to go to the wall on my left and hangs there.

"Huh, I could get used to this." I say to myself.

I sit on my bed, and I start meditation. I put my thumb tip on my index finger tip and placed my hands on my knees.
I then get a vision.

I see Zain and Erebus. But there's something wrong. It's like they're trying to get an answer from someone or something. Then, a young woman comes into view.

"Wait, who's that?" I asked myself.

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