Chapter 12: Zain

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"I'm going to fucking kill that fucking Diavlo!" I spat venomously. "Open the fucking portal!"

"No." Erebus says calmly.

"No" what the fuck you mean "no"?!"

"I mean I won't. You need to control your anger."

"My anger is more control than anything!"

"Prove it. Fight me."

I smile, and I lunge at Erebus.

"You're angry."

I ignore. I swing with my right fist, and Erebus dodges with ease. I lose my balance, and I stumble. Erebus grabs the scruff of jacket and throws me into the gargoyle that gave me a bad vibe. Thank god it's broke. I pull a face at the broken gargoyle, and I see Erebus running at me quickly. I duck, and he hits the air where the gargoyle once stood. Erebus pulls me forward using the air as it seems he's manipulating the oxygen particles around me and pulling me in closer. He gets me around the throat and squeezes. I claw at Erebus' hands, but he still kept choking me out. My vision goes blurry. But not cause of me being choked. Tears. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Control your anger." He says calmly and throws me to the side like I'm just someone who he can pick up crush easily like a twig.

I just lie there gasping for air.

Curse of the Black Dahlia: PT2Where stories live. Discover now