Chapter 23: Zain

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"How did it go with the Arae?" Asked the familiar soft and mysterious voice.

"It could've gone better." Said Erebus, clearly aiming that at me.

"What?" I asked abruptly. "I let it off with a warning."

"The Arae are something that you shouldn't give a warning to." Says Hecates.

"Not for the Arae." I say. "It's for Zues."

Hecates look at me wide-eyed. "No mortal has ever tried to threaten a god."

I giggle, and I walk out of the room back up the corridor. There's something off. I stop, and I run out into the courtyard. That was when I found a group of five people. They were all dressed like they were part of an Ottoman empire or something. Their swords were the normal everyday Greek swords. They were scimitars. They didn't have a sheath sheath. They had sheathed it between their clothing and a thick piece of cloth on their waist. They were built lean and fast. They must have needed someone who is quick enough to match my speed. Which, that will be impossible.

"Are you all mercenaries?" I asked them.

"We're looking for the boy that has sent a threat to the King of God's." Said one man.

"He has sent us to kill them." Said a second.

"Or brought back." Said a third.

"Dead or alive." Says a fourth.

"The prize money is high." Says a fifth.

The fuck? Is this a test set by Erebus?

"Come on the same "King," that had their powers stripped by a girl?" I asked, scoffing. "Mate, you all need a new "King."

A sixth man comes into view. Fuck, he was built like a brick. He had a similar build, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He had a heavy weapon in his hand. It could be a heavy hammer? A heavy club? I don't know. But his armour. There's a thing about his armour that I can't seem to put my finger on. Could it be an Ida armour? I don't know.

"Are you the one who sent the Arae back with no eyes and a warning saying, "You touch my wife, and I won't hesitate to rip your heart out."

"What if I am that person?" I asked, giving a smug smile.

"Come with me."

"Nahi, I don't think I will come with you... Sir."

I unsheathed my sword, and the six men did the same. They all ran apart from the big one. The big one stayed back.
The five small but fast men ran at me, unsheathing their scimitars. They all are going at me at the same time. They must know that I take more damage like that.
One man went downward with their slash, and I blocked with my katana. A second went for my legs, which I blocked with my left bracer. A third went in and slashed my back and met it mark. The fourth went in and slashed at my face and also met its mark. The fifth had gone in and plunged their blade into my lower quadricep. I went down onto my knee.

"Fuck this!"

I extend my hands out infront, and all the five men went flying off me. I got back onto my feet, and my eyes were flashing with dark desire. However, I fought that and ran at one and drew their blood. I ran at a second, and I had my katana on the floor, and I spun on the spot and slit the four remaining mens throats. The six men were standing their unfazed by the events that were unfolding in front of him. He walks down, and now he's closer. I can see that it's a heavy club. He puts his club down the side, dragging on the dirt, causing the dirt to unturn. I feel Erebus's gaze upon me. With each step, the sixth man took it, and it felt like the ground shook, and it sounded like giant was walking. He increases his speed and goes off into a jog. He starts to put his club into his other hand and increases his speed. I put my other hand on my katana and ran at him. He had his right foot out in front, which he was going to go in for an attack from his left. I dashed to the right dodged. I flicked my wrist back, and I was able to wedge the blade in between his armour. I pulled my blade back out, which where I stabbed him had healed back up.

What the fuck? The armour must be healing him.

Wait- his armour isn't like metal, chainmail, or breastplates. It's a cloak. He went in for a down heavy attack, and I dodged and now behind him. I pull down the hood, and I decapitate him.

"This is mine now." I say to his lifeless body.

I take my cloak off, and I put on the other persons cloak on. I feel an overwhelming sense of power and feel stronger than before. Is it cause I have two Ida items? I don't know. But for now. I need to feed.

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