Chapter 14: Zain

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"Where the fuck is the Piece of Adam?"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" Says the man.

I plunge my knife in between his third and fourth rib, and he screams out pain.



"I'll make sure of that!"

I pull out his tongue, and I cut it out. "Now write, where is it?!"

Under the go karting track at the bottom of this block thing.

"Now, was that hard. Go, you're free." He was about 20 feet in front of me when I ran at him and dug my teeth deep into his neck. "Fuck, you're sour." I spat.

"You said you'd let him go." Says Erebus.

"Mate, you're one to talk. Jane, send me the location of the Go Karting building." I say.

"Yes, Sir."


A ting rings through, and I look at my phone, and I see that it's just down the road.


"Why should I take orders from you?" Asked Erebus. "I know my way around these parts."

"Whatever, just come."

I walk down the road to meet resistance.

"I told Jane to tell you not to go." Says Nikki.

"Baby, what drugs are you on? I won't listen." I tell her as I walk past.

"Have you seen someone called Benjamin Ashford?" She asks... just a little more seriously than usual.

"Wow. When did you get all serious?"

"Since that, you decided to go to the UK to find the piece of Adam."

"Aww, you know me so well." I say, and I try to lean in for kiss.

"Princess, you have no fucking idea what you're doing." She says placing a finger on my lips.

"And, Queen, I know where the Piece of Adam is." I give Nikki a mischievous smile.

"What did you do?" She asked, stepping forward.

"Ask Erebus."

I kept walking unil. I got to the Go Kart building, and I walked into the building.

"Have you booked for a few laps, Sir?"

"I don't let no one call me, "Sir," only my AI and my girlfriend... on certain occasions."

"Have you booked for laps, kid?"

I give the man behind the desk a look of, "shut the fuck up or your intestines will be on the floor." I walk to the desk.

"Have you heard of anything called Piece of Adam?" I asked.

"There's this sword deep underground. Made of Osedian."

"Jane, is the Piece of Adam made of Osedian?"

"Yes, Sir." She replies.

"Take me to it." I tell the man behind the desk.

"I can't." He says scaredly.


I hear a pistol cock behind me.

"When did you demons use guns?" I turn around only to see that the man I had killed standin infront of me.

"What the fuck?! Who the fuck are you?"

"Benjamin Ashford."

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