Chapter 6: Zain

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"Nikki just basically slaughtered her mother and father." I said happily.

"They most likely deserved it." Erebus says coldly.

"They were "fixing" people like us." I tell him with, well, trying to, the same coldness. "They thought that there was something wrong with the supernatural beings."


"God's and goddesses, vampires, demons, werewolves, witches, and wizards. Things like them."

There was an awkward silence between us until a loud blood curdling scream came from the inside.

"Why did that come from the inside?" Erebus asked. "This whole place is usually high on security."

"Where's your witchy friend?"

"Hecates? I don't know. But if someone got on the inside, we... no, I need to find the intruder and-"

"It's a demon."

"How do you know?"

"Whenever there's a demon, the atmosphere gets stuffy. It'll feel like your energy is getting sucked out of you. Think of it when dementors suck happiness out of Harry Potter when he was on the Hogwarts express, or whatever it was called again."

"The scream came from the kitchens."

We ran as quickly as our inhuman run can go and when we got there the kitchen, what Erebus has been saying but is really fucking obvious, didn't look the same. There was blood on almost the four walls. There was a body on the floor in a puddle of her blood.

This is either an assassination or a message for Erebus and Nyx...

"Unless whoever wants me dead knows I'm here, which would be Dante." I say determinedly. "But I didn't know he could uni-walk."

"What?" There was a strong sound of fear in his voice.

"This is either an assassination or a message for you and Nyx, or someone wants me dead, which could only leave Dante. He wants me dead. But I didn't know he could uni-walk... verse-walk. God, I need a name for that."

"How did you get to that conclusion?"

"Well, look. There's blood in her eyes. The only way for there to be blood in her eyes is if someone poisoned her or got on top of her and stabbed her numerous times, and with force for the blood to splatter like that."

"Our poison would've killed slowly and blocked the airways for suffocation."

"Now look at her face." I get a towel, and I kneel down by the body as I wipe her face. "The colour of her face is a purply-blue, isn't it? This is an assassination with poison. This is also the scent of lavender, gamma radiation, opium, poison frogs, and snake venom. Well, is there anyone around who wants to send you a message through death?"

"There's a few people, just I don't know where they are to interigate them."

"What's their names?"

"Zues and Athena. Zues had his ego and his lightning bolt destroyed by Nyx. She wouldn't let him and won't touch her either. Athena, she wanted me. I wouldn't look her way. I'm friends with Medusa and she didn't like it."

"So you think that Athena would kill you if she had the chance?"


"Do you think she would kill you if your back was turned?"

"She still won't. My senses are high."

I stand up straight. "You're saying no one would kill you?"

"Correct. Everyone is too scared to step out of line and talk poisoness to and about Nyx."

Ain't that right!

I walk out the kitchen with my hands in my pockets, and I sniff out the assassin or courier. The scent gets stronger as I get to one room.

"Yo, what's in here?" I asked.

"Yo," what do you mean, "yo"? We don't use that language here." He says coldly. I think he may be warming up to me.

"Who or what room is this?" I asked, ignoring what I said.


"Awww, mine and yours, how sweet."

"No, mine and Nyx's."

"Should've said that."

I walked in quietly, but one of the floor boards had creaked under my weight.


I vamped, ran at the assassin or courier, and pinned up against the wall.

"Who are you?" Erebus said the first words.

"I'll never talk!" The lad said.

I punched his stomach. "Talk, kid." I tell him.

"Or what?"

I scoff, and I break his arm.

"Zain, piss off." Erebus walks forward and places a hand on his head. The lad started to cry. "Talk!"

"I... I wa... was ju... just to... told t... to de... deliver a... a m... m... m... message!" He says in between his cries.

"What's the message?"

"They said, "It's time for the night to be gone." You need to go and run, my lord." He says, smirking, and with a glint of murder on his mind.

"My lord?" Wow, even the "Lord" you must be high in the country." I say jokingly. "My lord," let me take him." I say having "my lord" with a sarcastic tone.

"No." Erebus reaches into his into the boys throat and rips his heart out through his mouth.

The heart still beats and stops. "I guess we're now going to kill Athena."

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