Chapter 16: Zain

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I pushed Nikki into the portal with wind that was around me, and I jumped onto his chest and propelled myself from his grip.

"You leave her." I say calmly.

"Are you her protector?" Benjamin asks gruffly with a big smile.

"I'm more than a protector!"

I extended my hands to either side of me, and all around me and Benjamin went dark.

"You don't understand this, Benjamin." I say calmly. "This is my dark domain."

"Dark domain just makes me stronger."

He lunges forward with his right... snakes? Each and individual head of the snakes going in at different angles. I had barely dodged, and one had nicked my shoulder.

"The venom inside me will kill you within an hour." He says with a smirk of admiration.

"Darling, you don't realise that you're talking to the... to the... fuck-"

I lose consciousness.

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