Chapter 9: Nikki

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After a few hours, I regain consciousness, and Nyx is still there, keeping an eye on me.

"Your rectangle light box kept vibrating." She says.

"Rectangle light box?" I try to guess what she's saying. "Ohh, this -" I pick up my phone. "It's Zain. He didn't know I was unconscious for hours."

"He's worried about you." She tells me. "He's a good one when he worries about you."

My phone buzzes again, and I have a message from zain.

"Are you alright, Queen?"

"Yes, just Athena."

"What has she done?"

"Her spear went straight through my stomach."

"This is Erebus Athena. He isn't dead she's still alive. Be careful and tell Nyx as well!"

With that, the messages stopped.

"From Erebus."Be careful, Athena is still alive." Well, not exactly those words, but basically still the same same thing."

We walked down the corridor in silence until I broke it. "So you're a Greek goddess?"

"Huh?" Nyx asks. "Oh yeah."

"Thought so. Well, I think you and Erebus are related somewhere down the bloodline somewhere. Maybe siblings. Maybe cousins. But it's closer to siblings. Don't worry, I'm not hating that. I think me and Zain are also related somewhere in the blood, too. Which makes our love for our loved ones more fun!" I say with a little bit of excitement.dl

"But isn't forbidden love looked against?" She asks.

"It may be looked against, but it's so fucking fun!" I tell her.

"I guess it does." She says

"Well, I mean, I feel like me and Zain have a bloodline running all back to your time. With you and Erebus in it."

"You think you and Zain are related? You aren't the only one who felt that. I felt it, too."

"You felt it too?!" I exclaimed. "Well, there's a strong sense of you and Erebus in mine and Zain's blood."

"Yes. I felt it so strong that even I had almost passed out."

"Wow. I guess that it's very strog then."

"Yep. Even strong that I myself almost passed out. It's like... me and Erebus rebirthed into you and Zain."

"It's like you can read my mind."

"Have you told Zain? Wait- you're Indian?"

"Nahh, not yet. I'm gonna tell him when he comes back. But he would most likely know anyways. Yeah, I'm Indian."

"Why? Wouldn't it be best if you tell him? Daymn, you're Indian?"

"Nyx, get back on target!"

"Oh yeah!"

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